
Gregorio 2022-04-22 07:01:41

It can be seen that this is not a film with strong stories or conflicts, but the 69-year-old director Pedro Almodovar made such a work, which is more about conveying an elder Looking back on his own life, his own pain, regret and attachment to life.

People, once you get older, you may be more gentle on yourself. For the audience, in the face of such a tender work with a life looking back, it is difficult to escape from the life wisdom that the director wants to convey, and then pay attention to the style of the movie.

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Pain and Glory quotes

  • Mercedes: You're invited to give a talk in Iceland. It's well paid.

    Salvador Mallo: I don't understand why they like me so much in Iceland.

    Mercedes: Neither do I.

  • Salvador Mallo: She wanted to die in the village. And I'd promised to take her there. The poor thing died in the ICU of a hospital, alone.