Find a way to heal

Wava 2022-04-20 09:01:59

I watched this film alone last night, halfway through, my friend asked me on MSN what the film was about, and suddenly I found out that this film was secretly looking for a way to heal my wounds.
There are four stories in the film, except for the last Natalie Portman story, the first three are actually the same thing, that is, when the person you love leaves you, what do you do?
Jude Law's choice: stay and wait for
Nora Jones' choice: escape
and Arnie's choice: indulge, finally die
I'm still waiting for the fourth answer to appear, maybe Natalie Portman's choice is the fourth: for the entanglement of grievances The love of her father, she chose to distort it, ignore it, and regret it most.
There is no end to the story of love, but in every Wong Kar Wai movie world, everyone is full of emotions and colors.
I like those heavy reds, blues, purples, and greens. In the movie, there are beautiful and moving pictures from time to time, such as the scene of Rachel Weisz standing next to the car.
Good at depicting the emotional world of Chinese people, Wang is more subtle, delicate, and more dissociated, but Americans have a kind of frankness and directness, and they like results. I have to say that there are some deficiencies in the story. This is Wang's least ambiguous movie, and I am willing to recommend it to foreign friends.

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My Blueberry Nights quotes

  • Katya: Sometimes, even if you have the keys those doors still can't be opened. Can they?

    Jeremy: Even if the door is open, the person you're looking for may not be there, Katya.

  • Jeremy: A few years ago, I had a dream. It began in the summer and was over by the following spring. In between, there were as many unhappy nights as there were happy days. Most of them took place in this café. And then one night, a door slammed and the dream was over.