Become a white tiger and rush out of the chicken coop!

Destin 2022-04-21 09:02:51

The whole movie starts with the protagonist who has successfully become an entrepreneur looking back on his legendary counter-attack! There are two murders related to the protagonist throughout the film, one where the protagonist is "forced to be a murderer" and the other where he is the murderer. But the protagonist who didn't kill someone almost went to jail. After killing someone, he became a free man, a chicken who escaped from the coop! This is also a point of the director's satire on Indian society!

When it comes to the social background of the film, it shows the dark side of Indian society to the fullest. The caste system, religious contradictions, partisan struggles, etc. are all shown in the first five minutes of the film. From the very beginning, it tells about the village where the protagonist lived since he was a child, and the protagonist calls it a dark place! As a sugar maker, the protagonist is considered a pariah at the bottom of the caste system. In that dark place, he is not only exploited by the landlords, but also has to be classified in a family. The old grandmother is also juicing her father. The caste system has been etched into the bones of Indians. This is reflected when the protagonist asks his grandma for money to be a driver. When the protagonist says that he will make his grandmother rich and let the people from the village come over and kiss your feet, Grandma accepted it!

The story begins to enter the main line in more than five minutes of the film. The protagonist is considered a genius in the dark place, and stands out among his peers! Like the white Bengal tiger, only one of its peers survives. The male protagonist's intelligence, unusual memory, and ability to speak and please people are decisive for his subsequent "counter-attack". The protagonist feels his destiny for the first time at his father's funeral. At that time, the camera showed the cremated father's feet moving! Seeing this scene, the protagonist said that after his father died, he was resisting his destiny, but as a poor man, everything was in vain, and he would die in the end! At this moment, the protagonist feels how hard it is to be free in the dark place of his life, and at the same time realizes that poor people and servants are like chickens in a chicken coop, and will always be in the chicken coop!

In the plot after that, I entered the landlord's house to be Ashok's driver. Here I think of Bong Joon-ho's "Parasite", where Song Kang-ho plays a family of parasites one by one in a rich family. But the protagonist in this story does not dare, even his own brother comes over, and those who let him in may lose their jobs. In fact, this kind of psychology still comes from the hero's inner loyalty to the master, and this loyalty is the reflection of the Indian social caste system. This loyalty is common to people in the chicken coop, including the protagonist. This loyalty always accompanies the protagonist. But at the same time, as the protagonist of the white tiger, after being kicked, insulted, and ridiculed by the master again and again, he finally became the one who escaped from the chicken coop!

The Joker is the hero of the bottom people of Gotham, arousing the anger of the bottom people! But it is almost impossible for the people at the bottom of the white tigers to turn over, and the individual white tigers achieved only through crime!

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The White Tiger quotes

  • Balram: Men born in the light, like my master, have the choice to be good. Men born in the coop, like me, we don't have that choice.

  • Balram: The next morning, Mr. Ashok did something he had never done. He gave me a day off. But by now, I knew the rich never give anything for free.