
Tianna 2022-09-27 07:11:40

The last episode has not yet been released, and I, like all the audience, anxiously wait for the moment when the two of them will finally meet with each other.

Silent, desperate, brutal final moments.

Like "True Detective" as much as they like this show, they all have obvious nostalgic tendencies, they are all good at grasping the explosive point of curiosity, and have thought-provoking themes. The protagonists are paranoid, misunderstood, and risk their lives on complicated cases.

They are not legendary heroes and high-profile stars, nor are they sophisticated or middle-class. On the contrary, they are deeply constrained by the bureaucracy and the warmth of life, and they feel pain, despair, hot blood and tears.

Nietzsche emphasized that when you stare into the abyss, you should not become the abyss itself. This is the creed that everyone who fights "evil" on the front line takes as a warning. But this show is telling me that you don't "become" the abyss, you just "return" to the abyss because you came from the abyss.

It turns out that what we think of as good and light is still one with evil and darkness. Humans do what they can and hope to separate them and build a civilization. But it is sad to find that as long as the poisonous snake Lucifer is a little tempted, and the human heart shrinks a little, everything will fall apart and crumble. Civilization, after all, is a civilization built on a pool of blood, and it is for this reason that courage and determination further demonstrate the dignity of human beings.

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