Discovery Channel has a natural educational attribute

Laurianne 2022-12-07 22:26:55

Regarding unabomber, the sixth episode was taken out separately to put his flashback memories. For anti-social crimes, if you don't see enough related works, you may be confused at first. Why they do this will only feel incredible. This type of plot is often like this, and there must be an experience in the formative period of the personality that has a lifelong impact on it. It is Paul Bettany who plays Ted, who also played Avengers Vision. His acting skills are very good. The whole process can bring the audience into Ted's unfortunate experience, and even make the audience try to understand Ted's behavior. Past encounters are deeply unfortunate. One point of complaining is that before I knew about unabomber, when I saw Ted in the first episode, I felt like a young man, in his 30s, but it turned out to be in his 50s. It seems that the actor's appearance is still online.

As for Agent Fiz, he shares some similarities with unabomber, but this character is my least favorite on the show. If you've seen the show, you should understand why he's annoying. Fiz also has obvious paranoid traits, as well as a strong self-esteem, a desire to prove himself, and an extreme desire to be recognized by others. In the end, it directly led to being abandoned by the family. It may be said that his wife is not reasonable enough, but this kind of thing cannot be forced. Since Fiz has chosen to start a family with his wife, I love u one by one, but what his behavior shows in the end is Love your ambition more. In the process of desperately wanting to prove myself, I gradually lost myself, couldn't see my responsibilities, and gradually lost my emotional connection and love. So that's why in the final shot at the end of the show, Fiz is always confused by the red light. The freedom that Fiz and Ted want, constantly criticizing the industrial society, criticizing this and that, the crux is that they are always out of tune with society or the surrounding environment, and have a clear sense of abandonment, so they want to gain recognition from others, they start to focus on a certain on one thing. But the more paranoid, the more unable to feel love. So, it makes a lot of sense that studies show that men who are always single live a few years less than men who are on average with a partner. By the way, I don't want to check the specific years, because I'm also single now, and I don't want to look at this kind of data QAQ.

Fiz and Ted each have their own experiences, have different problems but return to the same crux of lack of love. When I watch dramas, I often feel terrified. I believe that people who experience ambition greater than ability will empathize with their mental state of desperately wanting to be recognized by others and recognized by themselves. The dramas produced by Discovery are indeed rigorous, and the psychological states of the characters are well portrayed, which makes people think about themselves while watching the drama, which can be said to be naturally educational. People with this kind of mentality should remain reflective and vigilant, don't let ambition swallow themselves up, and learn to always pursue other good things in life, love, family, nature, etc. Only the paranoid can survive. Although paranoia is an advantage, don't let one side of your life define the whole thing, otherwise it will easily become an obsession in martial arts. Always remind yourself what is the reason you are unhappy now, and whether it is worth to be depressed for this reason, and maybe there are other good things waiting for you to discover. Write this sentence to yourself, please take it as a warning.

Another study shows that people who have not experienced intimacy before the age of 25 are more likely to undergo changes at the biological level, making it more difficult to accept intimacy. cough cough. It has been, but it's been too long. cough cough.

So what is this review at the end, a horrified but polite smile.

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