time, space, love

Berenice 2022-04-22 07:01:35

Sunglasses are still expressing the three major themes of all his films: time, space, and love. How the former two affect the latter. Only this time in a more exaggerated and abstract way to show it. Love is not fate, but an accidental product of a mixture of various factors. In the first half of the opening, Kimura's narration and pictures made me feel novel. Later, I had a feeling of watching tsubasa, crazy self-salutation, but the taste was like chewing wax. In the second half of the Chongqing forest-style freeze-frame, where Zhang Niangniang and Wei Zai passed by, I suddenly felt beautiful. Before, it was beautiful, but there was no soul, but this moment suddenly touched the soul. This film is a cosmic mix of sunglasses, and it has an intertextual relationship with several previous films. I probably won't understand it without watching his other films. For example, Kimura and Faye Wong's piece is like the He version of In the Mood for Love. If you haven't seen it, it's hard to understand the relief in Wei Tsai's eyes. In this sunglasses skewered film, Niangniang and Kimura are different, and they also bring out the temperament that is different from the previous movies of sunglasses. Niangniang is tough and straightforward, Kimura is futuristic and fantasy. Niangniang's line is the best, and there is no room for ambiguity. The courage to know what she wants is different from the usual temperament of sunglasses. She also acts the best. Secondaries (wrong). Kimura's line is the most outlandish. The gl line is the most redundant...

Kimura's style is really, for the first time, I deeply doubt the aesthetics of the sunglasses... But he can really shoot another side that is not common for actors. In fact, he has more scenes than I imagined, mainly narration, and he has a sense of presence than I imagined. Kimura's voice is really good, especially the part of reading the letter and "Will you come with me?" Of course, the one most compatible with the Sunglasses movie is Wei Zai, and it is only through him that he can stabilize the movie and connect everyone. and is really handsome.

I haven't watched 2046 before because I don't like it intuitively. Although I didn't particularly like it, it was still good. If I paused many times before watching other people's films, I still watched them smoothly. I still love the flowing emotions of sunglasses, as well as frame shots and mirror shots.

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Extended Reading


  • Bai Ling: I don't get it. Were does all that fun get you? If you find the right person, why waste time on the others?

    Chow Mo Wan: If I find the right person? A man like me has nothing much except free time. That's why I need company.

    Bai Ling: So people are just time fillers to you?

    Chow Mo Wan: I wouldn't say that. Other people can borrow my time to.

    Bai Ling: And tonight? Are you borrowing me, or am I borrowing you?

    Chow Mo Wan: No difference. Maybe I borrowed you earlier, now you're borrowing me.

    Bai Ling: Ridiculous.

  • Tak: I once fell in love with someone. After a while she was gone. I couldn't stop wondering if she loved me or not. I went to 2046 hoping to find her there. But I never found her.