Full marks for human concern, but the actual plot is too idealistic.

Chase 2022-04-21 09:02:50

Maybe my opinion will displease a lot of people, but I still have to say it.

①Why should the social disconnection caused by the father's own post-war legacy be given to his daughter? Many people say that their daughter is happy in the forest and so on, is that true? Humans are inherently gregarious creatures. Even real introverts are eager to make friends, and because of their poor communication, their characters are generally outgoing and introverted. At the age when her daughter should play with her peers, she went with him for the father's sake. Really happy or forced to laugh? It is unknown, but at least we know that the daughter can give up some things for the father, but the father did not try to integrate into the society for the daughter. He has always used his own reasons to impose the daughter as an excuse to avoid practical problems. What he did for a father was unquestionably a failure.

② It is said to be an independent society, but it is not independent at all. What my father did is just a kind of pseudo-independence, and there is not much else to say. Clothes, food, salt, and many other basic materials are inseparable from society. In that case, why don't you think about your daughter, accompany him to eat and sleep every day is to return to nature? Don't be ridiculous, humans in primitive societies are close enough to nature, right? But what about their lifespan? Have you not considered many issues such as bacteria, parasites, and edibleness of the so-called original natural food obtained locally? Do you really think that eating these every day is good for your health? Is the food in society all junk food harmful to health? There are still a few big problems: the forest is not close to the city, you must know that even the common cold can be fatal; and living outside the so-called close to nature injury is very common, and the chance of wound infection in the forest is greatly increased ;Is it really good for the body to live in the forest for a long time because the environment of the forest is wet? What’s more, if you are bitten by a snake, you won’t have time to go to the hospital for blood serums; the most important thing is that this forest may face threats from your peers, don’t forget Now that my daughter is not too young, she already has all the possibilities that a woman should have. We know that there are other homeless people living in the forest. What if my father is a special soldier? In a complex jungle environment, can one person be vigilant 24 hours a day? Suppose there are more than a dozen homeless people coming in a group? Can my father handle it? Daughter's ending?

These are all possibilities, but we cannot deny any kind of sudden possibility.

Therefore, from the perspective of human concern, this film is good and can be given a high score, but I really cannot agree with the one-sided soft essay description in the film review.

If I were the father in the film, I would force myself to change for the sake of my daughter. Even if I pretended to let it go, I would actually bury myself inwardly. I wouldn't show unhappiness and haze in front of my daughter, because women's intuition is very accurate. I will not bring my problems to her.

Personal opinion, if you don't like it, don't spray it.

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Extended Reading

Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.