Watching the movie for years, it left me speechless

Edd 2022-04-21 09:02:50

How many people have asked themselves from the bottom of their hearts, how long can you last without a mobile phone?

one day? a week? Or a month? It should be no more than half a year anyway.

That's right, today's Amway is a movie that describes the living conditions of marginalized people——

"Falling Leaves"

There is a father and daughter, they live in the forest park.

The little girl has never seen her mother since she was a child. She grew up in a tent in the forest.

Her father, a veteran, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder due to the war, so he chose to take his daughter here to escape.

There are far more than the two of them living in seclusion in this forest park. There are also quite a few veterans who are as sick as their father.

Of course, they are not completely secluded in the forest. The father will take his daughter to the town to buy items every few places.

Once, on the way to the town to purchase items, the daughter found a beautiful necklace and picked it up with the permission of her father.

At the same time, the fact that the father and daughter lived in the forest was discovered by a passing traveler and called the police.

The father and daughter were taken away by the police and warned: Public areas are not allowed to live.

Immediately afterwards, government agencies conducted a series of tests on them: Is the girl's IQ normal, whether there is a psychological disorder, and whether she has been abused?

Although the girl has never been to school, her knowledge and ability to survive are much stronger than her peers.

All these teachings come from her father.

As for the father's test, in addition to the necessary personality test, he is also investigated: whether there is a tendency to violence, whether there is alcoholism, whether there is a history of drug use and so on.

After some tests, the father failed the test. But the love for her daughter is 100% pure.

In order to settle them, the government found a house for them, provided a job for their father, and even helped their daughter go through the admission procedures.

Such a perfect arrangement, in the eyes of the father and daughter, is not very suitable.

Their first night in the city was spent outdoors watching the starry sky.

Moreover, the father seems to have been unable to accept the group lifestyle, and has been planning to escape after work.

On the contrary, the daughter is very adaptable to the new life: not only made friends, but also met a lot of new things.

It may be that he realized his daughter's change, and his father's escape plan was put on the agenda. Within a few days, the two of them embarked on a journey back to the forest.

Although the girl was very unhappy, she was used to living with her father.

Therefore, the father and daughter also began to have a estrangement.

They finally returned to Forest Park, but the daughter's high fever persisted, so the father had to go out to buy medicine.

A whole day passed, but the father did not come back, so the daughter had to drag her sick body out to find her, and found her injured father by the river.

The daughter had to run to the side of the road to seek help, and at the same time, they also encountered the second big trouble of "normal life".

They are rescued by a group of people who live in the forest, but do not break away from the modern social life.

Here they grow vegetables and bees, share food, play the piano and sing.

The father recuperates here, and the girl has the opportunity to interact with them.

It was obvious that the girl liked it here, but the father was dazed and sad about it.

The girls even communicated presumably to the woman who provided them with a place to stay, expressing their desire to stay.

The woman agreed, as if she understood the father and daughter well.

The woman packs food into bags and hangs it on a tree for a man who lives in the forest.

Although she hadn't seen that person for decades, every time she went to collect the bag, it would be empty. She knew that that person lived in a place she couldn't see.

Just like their father and daughter.

Father's injury finally healed, and he wanted to leave this place.

Facing her father's second escape, the daughter refused and expressed her understanding to her father——

She never persuaded her father to stay, because she knew it was useless and everyone had the life they wanted.

The father also respected his daughter's choice and left alone.

When the girl asked her father for a mobile phone, she was rejected by her father.

Maybe she can only communicate with her father in the future by hanging necessities on a tree like that woman.

Perhaps in the next few decades, girls will also miss their father in this form.

You can choose to criticize this kind of unpopular life, or you can agree but not follow suit. In Xiaoying's opinion, this is the correct response.

But as long as you can live the life you want, isn't it another kind of happiness?

Yes, in modern society, we cannot live without this kind of life, let alone the convenience brought by mobile phones and the Internet.

Perhaps "adaptation" is our best living state.

Want to see it? Pay attention to the WeChat public account: Late Night Movie Recommendation, reply to the title: Ye Luo Wuhen, you can watch the movie online for free.

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Extended Reading

Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.