The freedom of the hero

Bernhard 2022-04-21 09:02:50

The progress of human wisdom benefits from the group life of human beings. In pursuit of absolute freedom, the male protagonist would rather give up a comfortable life and enter the virgin forest to fend for himself. This spirit is admirable.

Freedom is the foundation of American existence. It is said that Americans have the highest degree of freedom in the world, but those freedoms also come at a high price.

In fact, there is no absolute free opponent in the whole world. Any society must be bound by law and morality. Lawlessness is a thug, and a man without conscience and morality is a beast madman. In pursuit of his own freedom, the male protagonist ignores the law. , ignoring morality, depriving his daughter of the right to grow and learn, and destroying the protection of the natural environment by social institutions. In the eyes of society and ordinary people, he is undoubtedly a lunatic. His self-pursuit may be noble and great in his own perspective. But from the perspective of society and human beings, it is undoubtedly a tumor. If everyone in the world is like the male protagonist, abandoning modern society and entering the virgin forest, then human beings will return to primitive society and return to the era of dinosaurs, where the weak eat the weak. Humans will also disappear and become extinct and be replaced by mice to rule the earth.

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Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.