Deviant parents + youthful rebellious children = cold home

Hailey 2022-04-19 09:02:15

The biggest difference between European and American movies, especially American movies and Chinese movies, is that you can't guess the plot of an American movie from the name of it. They must think that, to some extent, the more obscure and unobtrusive the name is, the more unexpected it will bring to the audience.

In my movie list, the category of "Frozen" is family. This movie made in 1997 has been given an 8 out of 10. I think it is worth watching. What, 1997. Age doesn't matter, Twelve Angry Men is a black and white film made in 1957, but even if we watch it now, who would think it's dated?

Closer to home.

The storyline of Ice Storm is very focused and clear. On a cold, windy, rainy night, Ben Hood and his wife Elena; neighbors Henry Kerzer and his wife Janet Harper attended a deviant cocktail party (euphemistically called a game of keys), and Ben's son went to New York finds a girlfriend and is tempted and tested, Ben's daughter is playing sex games at the neighbor's house, and neighbor Henry's eldest son is electrocuted for no reason... On this night, all contradictions broke out, and the story is not weak .

I was wondering, when I saw the director An Lee ~An Li, let me go, isn't this Li An? No wonder.

How can the happy middle-class family in the United States become so cold? I feel like I can write something. Well, nothing to do with the kids. Because the child is the shadow of the parents, and the family is not harmonious, the child will naturally have a "situation".

Extramarital affairs are not that fun! Despite all the real-life examples and home movies reflecting this, these kinds of things keep happening in real life! Why? Is the world outside marriage really that beautiful? not necessarily. You can see the pain of the neighbor's wife and wife Jenny ending up crouching in bed.

The marriage system is the most correct choice under the mode of human development. Marriage is a form of protection for both women and men. Some people disagree, but as long as you understand the development of the human marriage system and the nature of marriage, you will understand.

The way the human family is formed is actually changing, from the initial "primitive society" to the rise of private ownership, from group marriage to family-based brothers sharing wives and adoptive marriages, to polygamy and monogamy. Multiple concubines and monogamy are actually the products of the entire social game to make life better for everyone. Under these different ways of family organization, different moral norms have also been formed. The so-called moral norms are essentially because they restrict people's desires and prevent everyone from maximizing local interests and conflict, and cannot maximize the overall interests. formed by . What would it be like if there was no moral code? However, this norm goes against human biological instinct to a certain extent. Both men and women are attracted to the opposite sex, this is instinct. It's still instinct to be attracted to the opposite sex better. But the difference is that for a long time, men can take concubines, but women's needs cannot be met. This is also the origin of the moral concept of tolerance for men's derailment and harshness for women's derailment. Especially after the Women's Awakening Movement, gender equality in sexual needs has also been brought up more.

In fact, it took only a few decades for the society we live in to transition from polygamy and polygamy to monogamy, among which there are various forms such as red light districts, lovers, cheating, open marriages, etc. It is the complement of individual needs and monogamy in order to maintain the best interests of society as a whole. The sexual awakening of women further complicates this complementary relationship.

The root cause of Ben and the family's coldness and crisis (I'll just say the root cause) is: First, the extreme lack of love among their family members. You must know that love is the best way to balance the relationship between men and women. If there is love, there will be a kind of self-restraint and control, whether it is a man's lust or a woman's lust. Will discuss and practice between two lovers. But whether it's Ben and his wife Elena or their neighbors Henry and his wife Janet, they all treat each other's husbands or wives or children with indifference, no regard for their feelings, and no self-discipline. What is the need for such a marriage? Even if, like the ending, the indifference and failure of their respective families caused Henry's eldest son to be electrocuted, could it really save the two families? I don't think so.

Second, the deviant behavior of both families stemmed from their distorted perceptions. They believe that (sexual) relationships outside of marriage are equally beautiful. But is it really so? Ben forgot that only physical intimacy in marriage can bring spiritual intimacy. Outside of marriage, physical intimacy is counterproductive, making people grow farther and farther apart—this is an inevitable development trend. Because after the physical contact, every time they only want to do this thing together, they will no longer have the mood to communicate and communicate spiritually. As a result, their hearts are getting farther and farther apart. It's easy to lose respect for each other. We know that sins are exciting and pleasurable at the beginning, but after a while, you will definitely despise yourself because of your lack of management ability. This feeling of hating yourself will make you hate each other.

The crimes committed in extramarital affairs are likely to ruin our life, and it is likely to ruin the life of others. Few people like to live with someone who has slept with others.

Don't think that no one will know, always believe the old saying: If you want people to know, you must do it yourself.

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The Ice Storm quotes

  • Ben Hood: What's all that about? I mean, what the hell happened?

    Janey Carver: A prior engagement overcame me.

    Ben Hood: What?

    Janey Carver: Listen, Benjamin Hood, I have obligations that precede your... From before you showed up. I mean one or two good natured encounters, that doesn't mean that I'm... I'm not just some toy for you. When I remembered some chores I wanted to get done before the party, I just did them, that's all. Because I wanted them to get them done before I saw Jimmy.

    Ben Hood: Jimmy? Jimmy? I'm not sure how to take this. Wh-what do you mean Jimmy? I thought you and your husband had...

    Janey Carver: How you take it isn't that all that interesting to me, Benjamin. I'm sorry.

    Ben Hood: I just can't believe you could be so...

  • Ben Hood: [Janey hands drink to Ben] Thanks. You having one?

    Janey Carver: In a bit.

    Ben Hood: [he leans his head onto Janey] You know, I think Elena might suspect something. Maybe, it's all for the better, you know?

    [he starts unbuttoning his shirt]

    Ben Hood: Yesterday at dinner, she - Well, she didn't say anything. Has she acted funny to you? Have you noticed anything?

    [he takes his shirt off]

    Janey Carver: Have I noticed anything?

    Ben Hood: Mmm.

    Janey Carver: I'm not married to her, Benjamin. You are. I think you've probably a better vantage point from which to observe her.

    Ben Hood: Yeah, but... I've been working a lot lately and - No, that's not it. I... I guess maybe we're just on the verge of... saying something. Saying something to each other. On the verge.