[Leave No Trace] - The loneliness that can't come out

Hailee 2022-04-20 09:02:04

***Original by the author, please share as much as you like, please indicate the source for reprinting***

I once saw a somewhat similar movie, Viggo Mortensen in [Captain Fantastic], alone with a bunch of children, in an isolated place, educated in his own way A bunch of genius-like children have simply refuted the modern education system to perfection. The secular world is as weak as ants in front of the wise men with strong hearts, and it is not worth mentioning.

The focus of [Leave No Trace] is not on children's education, but it inadvertently shows that a soldier suffering from post-traumatic stress of war can also teach his daughter to be literate without any flaws.

Ben Foster seems to have come to his senses after Hell or High Water. Although he has always been a sloppy character, he is not particularly prolific, but almost every movie is a masterpiece. He is not a person who takes the line of appearance, but he has no concerns about a specific type of role. But this [Leave No Trace] is completely green, with almost no close-up of the face. I always feel that the director should give this character who is always a monologue in his heart more eyes, but he still only sees the always blank, walking back.

The red flower of the film is obviously Thomasin McKenzie, who was born in 2000. This girl named Sam is as calm as a mushroom in the forest, but also grows stronger like a small tree in the forest. She finally chose her own path, the natural reaction of a girl who wasn't completely out of touch with the world. Therefore, even if you have never used a mobile phone, watched TV, or played social software, people have social attributes.

In the role of a father, he is the one who is destined to be unable to come out. Even if he wants to abandon his favorite daughter, he still chooses to go to the mountains alone. There are always people who praise the greatness and selflessness of their parents, but those who really care about being parents will understand that parents are actually the biggest beneficiaries. Children grow up from a toy that only knows how to eat, drink, and lasa, to a teenager with independent thinking. Bring enough fun, care and company to parents all the time. People are destined to be lonely, and you should be grateful to everyone who has appeared in your life and accompanied you.

***Please pay attention to WeChat public account "Slow Movie Talk" (dymt2016) and Weibo "Bang Ye Forty" ***

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Extended Reading

Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.