(Family drama "Leave No Trace") Those who meet will definitely leave, and those who leave will return.

Hollie 2022-04-19 09:02:27

This is a father and daughter story.

My father was a former soldier with terrible experiences.

Spiritually traumatized.

Therefore, he chose to live in seclusion with his daughter in the forest park, a park like a virgin forest, far away from people, noise and disputes. Baked mushrooms with umbrellas and entertained yourself with chess.

Unexpectedly, the daughter was found.

They were taken back to the relevant institutions by the inspection team and helped them arrange a relatively remote rural life. It is also far from the hustle and bustle of the urban area, but it still inevitably requires frequent contact with the community.

However, the daughter gradually adapted to the people, things and things around her.

Because of his past nightmare, his father could not live in such an environment, so he chose to escape again. They went to an uninhabited mountain and entered an uninhabited cabin. In order to buy food, my father went down the mountain alone to buy food, but encountered danger on the way. The daughter asked for help, rescued the father, and took the father to a small group living in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

Once again, my daughter fell in love with this rural life and even wanted to rent it for a long time. The traumatized father, this time still can't, he wants to escape.


Fathers and daughters lead different lives, and fathers are still fleeing, with no permanent home. Daughter may live here and may gradually integrate into society over time.

is a simple story

is a wayward father

is an independent daughter

We do not discuss what kind of injury or stimulation the father suffered before. Of course, we have to say that the father's behavior is stubborn and irresponsible in the eyes of many people, allowing his daughter to live a life of survival in the wild;

Don't let her daughter study at the school age, just rely on her own knowledge to instill her; impose her own ideas on her daughter. At the same time, it is precisely because of the relationship between the father and the daughter that the daughter understands the father, understands the father, and wants to take the father out of this haze. The father must also love his daughter, and he loves his daughter with all his might, in his own unique way.

A few days ago, I watched Qipa say that on a debate topic, if a father cannot accompany his child for 12 hours a week, he will be deprived of his father's title. I think this is cruel. Every father in the world has different personalities. Some are clingy, some are cold, some lead by example, and some are silent. Therefore, each child will have a different personality afterward, and it is also the color of the world. colorful elements.

Then let's talk about the escape. Many Yingzhi have written about the so-called longing for life and the so-called right things. I have always held a point of view, people, from birth, have been doing what they want to do, holding their original nature, not the original evil of human nature, but the original nature of human beings. real.

Just as I got older, I started to work step by step, going to primary school at the age of 7, going to college at the age of 19, starting work at the age of 23, and retiring at the age of 60. Whether you like it or not, you have to deal with all kinds of people, you have to endure those with ugly faces, and you feel sorry for some hard-working people around you without background;

Some people are crowding the unbearable subway with a LV bag, and some people are driving a high-end Mercedes-Benz but carrying a lot of loans; cigarettes are said to be harmful to the human body, but there are still thousands of people who smoke it every day. Poisonous strips, every day it is said that fried food is extremely unhealthy for the body, and I still can’t help but buy a fried chicken when passing by the road;

Some people hold their breath and hold a generous and stable salary under the boss's roof. Some people submit their resignation in a smart way, but they are lazy and make no achievements at home. Some people take loans to start their own entrepreneurial journey, with good vision and beauty.

Which kind of life is better, you say?

In fact, it can't be stopped, because you and I are also in such a puzzle.

In the past, I would give my own suggestions and ideas to those who have different views and even different ways of doing things. Now that I think about it, it doesn't seem that I have any qualifications to point out other people's lives. After all, I haven't understood it yet, right?

At the end, the daughter takes her father to the hive to show her that she has the trust of the bees.

The father showed a relieved smile, the daughter was not infected by himself, there was no such loneliness, or the daughter was ready, ready to socialize with other species, including bees, and the crowd.

Those who meet will leave, and those who leave will return.

At this moment, I am separated from your body, but my spirit is with you.

I care about you, you miss me, even if the world is different, every time I think of you, my heart is still surging, and there is a trace of comfort, which is already a great moving and gift.

Thanks for watching!

(Family drama "Leave No Trace") Those who meet will definitely leave, and those who leave will return.

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Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.