love is a long goodbye

Beaulah 2022-04-19 09:02:27

Heartbreaking yet gentle and warm little stories, like drinking around a cashmere blanket late at night. The lush forest runs through the whole film, the camera moves slowly, moss, old trees, green grass, buds, deep and shallow, bright and gloomy, and golden sunlight, fluffy morning fog, the footsteps of the wind walking, forest lovers Healed properly.

In the forest, there is a pair of big tree-like father and little squirrel-like daughter, who insist on an incomprehensible way of life. They only need a tent and some food, and a pair of chess is enough for them to live happily. Most of the time, flint is used to make a fire, sleep in the wilderness at night, but also learn to perfectly hide the traces of your life, and regularly rehearse the escape process to ensure that it will not be found by outsiders. It's a pity that the place where they live is not a deep forest, but a park in the urban area. It was quickly discovered and "rescue" by the government, which could not help but provide them with a so-called "civilized" life, living in modern houses, relying on Working in the forest farm makes money, girls need to go to school, get church services on Sundays, and make more friends. All these changes came abruptly and suddenly. The father's post-traumatic stress disorder made him unable to integrate into the crowd. Although the daughter was gradually attracted to the society, she did not dare to refuse the father's request to escape.

In the second half, the encounter after trying to return to the forest again is the director's kindness and tenderness. The father and daughter are lucky enough to fall into a life where they can breathe freely without living in isolation. Similar people get together to laugh and sing. The little thing of going to the forest with the auntie of the RV owner to deliver food to the recluses is really a warm peak. The girl had an uneasy confirmation to her father that after I went to school, would they think my life style was strange? My father replied why you should care what other people think. That's hardly an answer, especially for a seven-year-old girl. On the contrary, this time the food was delivered. Auntie carefully prepared the food, put it in the fixed place for 20 years, and then turned to leave. She knew that he was there, but she did not intend to spy on him. Kindness based on enough respect and understanding to convince girls that any lifestyle is worthy and should be respected.

When the girl tries to help her sick father, she and the audience almost think that his father has settled into the RV life here, but he once again packs his backpack and prepares to leave. The last time she left the house given by the rescue center, she sadly asked her father, have you tried to adapt? I can't see it. This time she didn't question, "I know if you could, you would definitely stay", but all this was too difficult for a patient. After realizing that everything could not be as they wished, they chose to give each other the maximum understanding. Needless to say, the most intimate hug is the deepest farewell. Love is a restful companionship, but also a long farewell.

Ps: Americans’ awareness of child protection can be felt in several small details. When the two were rescued from the forest, they were first questioned separately. The two slept in the same tent. The female rescuer specifically asked whether the father had sexually assaulted Behavior. The two wanted to hitchhike on the way to escape. The driver of the long-distance bus first called the child alone to confirm whether she was being coerced. Really envious.

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Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.