Well, seriously you lose

Dillan 2022-04-19 09:02:20

I can't remember when this movie was released, but after watching it, I still think the heroine is amazing, ha. I like the genre
, but when I see the ending, I think it's far-fetched. Isn't the protagonist dead? You must know that his ex-girlfriend committed suicide a month after he died! That is to say, the male protagonist must have been declared medically dead and buried. Why did he wake up in the hospital in the end? Is it the moonlight treasure box? ? ? Probably the screenwriter also felt that it was difficult to justify how to write it, so he hastily came to a happy ending.

Here is the point!

My idea is that the heroine comes back to life, takes care of what's at hand, and then kills herself - to come to the hero, of course, and then they happily live together in this desolate paradise.

In addition, the Russian family is too good to investigate, and they are worshipping. . .

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Extended Reading

Wristcutters: A Love Story quotes

  • Eugene: I'm not sitting in the back.

    Zia: Why not?

    Eugene: 'Cause everybody knows guy in the back seat doesn't have a cock.

    Zia: What?

    Eugene: That's a fact. If the guy in the backseat had a cock, he wouldn't be back there in the first place.

    [Mikal scroffs]

    Zia: Well, I... I mean, I got a cock man. So, how can... I'm not... Mik, do you have a cock?

    Mikal: Yeah, I have a cock.

    Zia: Wut?

    Mikal: Big fat one.

    [cut to the shot in which Eugene is sitting in between Zia and Mikal in front]

  • Mikal: Are you joking? Do you guys like it here? Who the hell likes being stuck in a place where you can't even smile? It's hot as balls, everybody's an asshole. I just wanna go home.