Obsessed with no regrets

Tre 2022-04-22 07:01:37

I like old movies for some reason recently. At that time, it was not so commercialized. Directors could still shoot whatever they wanted, instead of having to change clips and insert advertisements because of many sponsors.
This film is quite good in terms of technique, a little suspenseful and a little scary. When Matt was looking for Lisa, those soundtracks, lighting, and shots always made people think that the next shot must be a frightening scene, which made their hearts rise. Gao...and unconsciously accompany Matt to solve the puzzle.

Lisa should be the first heroine, but because of Alex's wonderful performance, she was crushed and reduced to a vase.

When I think of this film today, Faye Wong's "Obsessed Without Regrets" echoes in my mind.

There are always some women in the world, she is as beautiful as a flower, she is talented and intelligent, she is shining, and her frown and smile are enough to make people infatuated. She is a natural red flower, no matter how hard the best friend beside her works, she can only be reduced to a quiet green leaf.

Lisa is such a red flower, and Alex is such a green leaf.

Alex fell in love with Matt at first sight. In order to get close to Matt, he took the video recorder that captured Lisa's image to Matt's shop for repair, and then Matt fell in love with Lisa at first sight. So far, he didn't give Alex a look. Alex watched the two fall in love, and used some small tricks to make them misunderstand and separate, and finally pretended to be Lisa's name and had a night with Matt.

This time I face it persistently, willful intoxication, I don't care, whether it's wrong or right, even if it's deep, I'm desperate, even if it's obsession, let me be obsessed with no regrets.

Alex's persevering efforts are in the hope of getting Matt's favor, but she also understands that Matt's heart is all about the charming and beautiful Lisa, and he would rather give up his future, give up his fiancée, just want to find her, go crazy, be enchanted, and see the truth Alex's face was full of grief when it was revealed, can Matt have a little heartache? Because of her obsession with herself, while struggling with her conscience, she did bad things that she could not have guessed, and finally cried in the backstage and couldn't help herself. Will Matt have any pity?

I guess no.

Even if it is pain, even if it is tears, it is my sorrow...

Watching Matt finally find Lisa and hug him silently at the airport, I didn't feel moved at all.

How many Alex, how many Rebacca can make a pair of Matt and Lisa?

There is no right or wrong in love, you are not me, how can you understand?

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Wicker Park quotes

  • [Luke drives Alex home after her Theater performance and tries to make a move]

    Luke: So, I was thinking, maybe I could go upstairs with you and I'll make you a nice big cup of hot chocolate. Put a bunch of little marshmallows up on top. We'll watch TV and just hang out.

    Alex: Do you love me?

    [Luke pauses]

    Alex: [Alex changes her expression and instead kisses Luke a cheek kiss goodnight] I just wanna be alone. I'll call you. I'll call you tomorrow.

    Luke: Alex. Alex, wait a second. You gotta be kidding me. This girl's unbelievable.

    [Luke gets out of the car]

    Luke: Hey, you know what? Don't call me, okay? Don't call me until you figure out what you want to do with your life. 'Cause I can't deal with this. I mean every time, it's a different story with you, all right?

    [Alex continues to walk backwards to her building away from Luke]

    Luke: Wait, I... I'm sorry. I'll call you tomorrow. God!

    [Luke gets back into his car]

    Luke: This girl is ridiculous.

  • [Alex films Lisa with her new video camera]

    Lisa: Come on, let me film you.

    Alex: No, you first.

    Lisa: Come on, Alex. Are you shy? You can't be shy if you wanna be an actress.

    Lisa: [Lisa holds up a book] Here.

    Alex: Shakespeare.

    Lisa: [Lisa continues to hold the book up to Alex and the camera] This is your big break.

    Alex: That's Shakespeare. I can't do that. That's too hard.

    Lisa: [Lisa begins to quote Shakespeare at the camera] Haply, when I shall wed. That lord whose hand must take my plight shall carry half my love with him, half my care and duty. Surely I shall never marry like my sisters to love my father all.

    [Alex begins to grows jealous of Lisa's natural acting ability]

    Lisa: So true, my lord. In life... Ah! I blew it. I'm sorry. That was bad.

    Alex: No, that was amazing.

    Lisa: [Lisa tells Alex through the camera] You know, the thing with acting is, Alex, you just have to commit. Otherwise, you're just a phony.