It's not about forgiveness

Ulises 2022-04-23 07:03:15

(Spoiler) The movie is not about revenge and forgiveness, it is about shame, about unspeakable, unspeakable taboos. The male protagonist needs to be fair in getting it back, and in the end, he may even lose what he has, because he has lifted the veil of guarding taboos. Therefore, the former tenant never showed up, and the details of the heroine's attack (and humiliation) were never revealed. This is the director's pity for the people in the play, and it is also the boldness of his artistry---using the image art of film Telling stories, but the most important thing is also invisible.

Urban development, Western literature, rational justice, etc.

For the intellectual male protagonist, what is contemporary has become a constraint, or a dream that must be broken, because this is Iran, a place still under the influence of traditional Islamic culture. , let alone a forced description.

In fact, when everyone took it for granted that "these things are not easy to call the police, the police will make a big noise and it's useless", the hero insists on "clarifying" and everything he does to do justice on his own is doomed to failure . Like the hero of "Death of a Salesman," he finally faces a broken heart and family.

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The Salesman quotes

  • Naser: Why did your wife open the door?

  • Babak: Degenerate is the one who speaks his mind through swearing.