Humanity, Morality, Tolerance

Ethel 2022-04-23 07:03:15

The whole film describes the harm caused by an unexpected event to everyone in a plain narrative. The rhythm of the script is very tight, and the interspersed drama "Death of a Salesman" is like green leaves in flowers, embellished and decorated. The plot indirectly promotes the development of the plot. The end of the whole show reaches the climax of the movie, and it can be seen that everyone has been hurt a lot because of this. In the end, the old man's wife, son-in-law, and son came over. It can be seen that the old man's wife loves him very much, and the whole family loves him very much, but he never thought that such an old man had done such a thing, In the face of Yin Maide's questioning, the old man admitted what he had done, "I became lustful at that time", and couldn't help feeling the evil of human nature. The old man was full of deep guilt for what he did, but hurt It has already been done, and nothing can make up for it.
Rena, Yin Mai De, and the old man were all filled with deep pain. When they saw this, they couldn't help shedding tears. Everyone was very sad and painful at this time. Then whose fault is this, and who wants to see it. In the end, Yin Mai De did not let the old man admit his mistakes in front of the whole family, but chose to be tolerant and show the goodness of human nature.

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The Salesman quotes

  • Naser: Why did your wife open the door?

  • Babak: Degenerate is the one who speaks his mind through swearing.