Is this punishment enough?

Bill 2022-04-22 07:01:40

You don't need a lot of character events, how to play to the extreme is enough. I like this kind of meticulous performance, and the facial expressions tell the inner drama of the characters. It is the feeling that there are no tears in the eyes, it is just right, and it is also the most difficult to express. In a country with taboos, how humiliating it is for a woman to be seen by a strange man. Therefore, she was reluctant to call the police, and expanded the matter to become a topic of discussion among people, so she chose to endure it, and then she felt uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and fearful. It's hard to watch, if you want to call the police, it's over! ! Imed tried to call the police several times, but Reina refused. Seeing the nervous Lena in such pain and tangle, Imed couldn't be more uncomfortable, so he could only roll up his sleeves to find the bad guy himself. After looking around, I didn't expect the villain to be an old man and sick. If you can't call the police or call the police, you have to find some way to punish them. So the old man was imprisoned for a long time and he was about to hang up. In essence, he was punished. The husband and wife's urgent treatment of the comatose old man also shows their kindness in their hearts. The old man desperately begged to let him go, not to tell the truth to his wife and daughter and son-in-law. Acted really well. Imed refused, and Lena threatened to divorce. The helpless Imed can only choose to let it go, but he is very aggrieved! So in the end it was a punch to the old man's face. The old man walked out of the door with a dull look on his face, and then fell down. Lena looked at Emed in disappointment and left with her bag. In fact, I don't think this punch is necessary anymore. How can the old man stand it, especially after this day of confinement and tossing, he is no longer a person. But it cannot be denied that it is of great significance. If there is no punch, it will make people feel that the punishment is too light. When you are old, you have the capital to do bad things without being punished? ! When a bad guy commits a crime, he admits his mistake and apologizes to solve the problem. Is it your good person who deserves to suffer? ! ! You are talking about how much love you have for your wife at this time, what were you thinking when you were hanging out with that woman? ! What a grievance! Reina chose to give up the old man's punishment out of humanitarianism, but as Reina's man, it was definitely not enough. The old man admitted that he was lustful, but he didn't do anything worse, and he could still see the repentance in his eyes. The concept is very different, and the social ethics and morality are also very different. I saw the shadow of a parting, but each was moved. This year's Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film is really good? I really like this poster

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The Salesman quotes

  • Naser: Why did your wife open the door?

  • Babak: Degenerate is the one who speaks his mind through swearing.