Unsolvable moral dilemma

Alvis 2022-04-22 07:01:40

The moral dilemma is really an unsolvable problem, and there is never a correct choice not only for the parties involved, but also for the spectators who stay out of the way. It seems that whatever we choose is like condoning sin. This is scary.

I sympathize with the two protagonists. The peaceful and beautiful life was completely destroyed by an old man. In that closed and conservative society, it is impossible for them to maintain a decent and dignified life in the gossip of the people around them. When there is no understanding and trust between husband and wife, how can the previous harmony and beauty be maintained?

After watching the movie, I just felt heavy. The wicked old man may pay for his sins with death. Life is precious, but if he can die while preserving his reputation, it is actually a privilege of fate.

The female protagonist and the male protagonist are both the biggest victims. I disagree with some people who say that the male protagonist's harm is not as great as the female protagonist, and even think that the male protagonist's harm is caused by his own face and self-esteem. How can it be so simple? This injury has completely changed the heroine, and the male lead who loves the heroine deeply will also be greatly affected. If your lover no longer has the ability to love you, he always wants to keep a distance from you, and he is still talking about it. How would you feel?

The two protagonists chose to forgive painfully, only hoping to save a family that seemed united and happy. As a result, their family fell apart and could never return to the way it was before. Tolerance has power, but for the victim, the hurt can never be healed, it can only play the role of whitewashing and self-soothing.

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Extended Reading

The Salesman quotes

  • Naser: Why did your wife open the door?

  • Babak: Degenerate is the one who speaks his mind through swearing.