Two brush notes

Della 2022-04-20 09:02:05

1. Treat the main story as a criminal investigation drama, the electric switch in the old house, the house that has not been cleared, the talkative neighbor, the disturbed Barack who appears with a lot of troubles, the blood on the stairs, the moving truck ( It can be used for moving old tenants, leaving car keys, delivering goods to stores)... props and details are all important, connecting the plot and logic before and after, and everything is used by the protagonist of the criminal investigation.

2. The trigger was the "misrecognition" that night, and the theme was the culture of shame, but the second brush found that the protagonist's psychology changed before and after. At the beginning, there were thoughts of calling the police and forgetting, and then the work of the play should focus on the psychological transformation of the protagonist (the psychological changes and the development of the plot promote each other). So the heroine was afraid + didn't want to call the police, the neighbors detailed what happened, emphasizing that this kind of person should be publicly humiliated, the troupe also knew, found the money, and was used for food, Barack raised the rent again, and refused to admit his mistake ...and so on, the people around him will subtly increase their sense of shame, and the willpower of the protagonist to investigate and take revenge also increases.

Characters have arcs, and stories have depth.

3. The story is very simple, but from the beginning, the author spreads the branches densely. The original move, the school, the theater, the hidden dangers of the house, the tacit understanding and trust between husband and wife... This is the texture and credibility of the story.

4. Of course, don't forget the plots that have been added to the theme performance, the taxi woman changing positions, the humiliation of playing a naked female actress in the theater, etc. And the Iranian school class is full of boys and some

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The Salesman quotes

  • Naser: Why did your wife open the door?

  • Babak: Degenerate is the one who speaks his mind through swearing.