After watching this movie, I realized a few things

Libby 2022-04-19 09:02:29

One, the shortness of life

Life is short, fragile, and can disappear at any time if we don't want to live it.

Whenever there is a tense confrontation scene on camera, I always worry that someone will die in the next second. From the collapse of the house at the beginning of the movie, to the time when the heroine opened the door with a kitchen knife, and finally when the hero and the criminal old man confronted each other and threatened each other in the abandoned apartment, the fear of death has always haunted me. Stretch near the temples.

The length of life is not determined by the life cycle of living beings. If our will wants to end life, tragedy will occur in one thought.

Second, the tragedy

No one is completely kind or completely innocent, and there are stains in everyone's life that cannot be washed away. In the end, if the old man died after being rescued, then the tragedy of the two families has just begun... If the old man did not die, things did not seem to have any positive progress. The scars left in my heart will never disappear, and the future life is still a tragedy.

The only way to reduce tragedy seems to be forgiveness and tolerance. But tragedies are more prevalent precisely because of the tolerance of human nature. As long as there is room for tolerance, there will be people who will try to test the boundaries of the gray area.

Tragedy happens all the time, and we only find them so close to us when we suffer them ourselves.

3. Zero Inclusiveness of the Law

Gray things will not make the day brighter, but will only make the night gradually erode the heart.

When the female protagonist is hurt, if you call the police immediately, the matter may be simple: the old man is interrogated and sentenced, and he gets the punishment he deserves.

The law is like a ruler, measuring the suffering of both parties and giving a fair judgment. It is also like a bridge of nowhere, severing the past and welcoming the new life.

The reality is, could things have been worse if the law really got in the game?

The meaning of the existence of the law should be to make things simpler, not more complicated. Otherwise, what is the meaning of the existence of the law?

Life is like a drama, we yearn for a just and happy ending, it is just a political drama. The drama of life will never end. It is enough for us to experience the world in this ups and downs. We have laughed, hurt, cried, died, and our life is not in vain.

At last

We are the directors of our own lives, please start your next shot... But as with every director, whether the scene is comedy or tragedy is not up to you.

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Extended Reading

The Salesman quotes

  • Naser: Why did your wife open the door?

  • Babak: Degenerate is the one who speaks his mind through swearing.