Week Notes

Pasquale 2022-12-25 07:08:18

I just watched "Burning" and then "I Am Blake". It can be said that they are both films that describe society, but the styles are very different. One is rich in imagery and the other is bland. An unforgettable space. A few points are more impressive: First, the male and female protagonists in the film are always in the door frames stacked on top of each other. Whether it is a room or an attic, they seem to be unable to break free from these rules and regulations, and they are always in a depressing atmosphere. The second is that Blake has been walking. Excluding economic factors here, perhaps walking like a handwritten resume is a silent resistance to the modern industrialized society, and another implication is a concrete manifestation of the efforts made on the road to survival. The third is that the entire film seems to have no soundtrack or background music. I remember Mr. Dai Jinhua once said that the more connotative the film, the less the soundtrack will be used, because the music itself will greatly limit the expressiveness of the picture. This may be the embodiment of the film's cold style, calm and restrained, and reminds me of "Manchester by the Sea"...

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Extended Reading

I, Daniel Blake quotes

  • Daniel: She was special. Yeah, she was special, Daisy. Not easy. She was up one minute, down the next. Smart and funny. Huh. Ah, that lass made me laugh. Kind. She had a big, big heart. But... She said her head was like the ocean. Dead still, then wild. Never knew where she'd end up next. I mean, the music helped that. But then she'd hit the rocks. "Where'll we sail to tonight, Dan?" That was our little joke. Her last words to me were, "I wanna sail away, Dan, with the wind at me back."That's all I need, Dan."

  • Daniel: Hello?

    Harry Edwards: Hi, is that Daniel?

    Daniel: Yes, it is. Hi.

    Harry Edwards: Hi, Daniel, it's Harry Edwards here. We spoke the other day at the garden centre...

    Daniel: Oh, yeah, yeah.

    Harry Edwards: ...when you came down and handed your CV. How are you doing, mate? Are you all right?

    Daniel: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, thanks, yeah.

    Harry Edwards: Er, listen. I tell you what, mate, I've been going through all the CVs I've had handed over the last couple of weeks. And I really like the look of yours. Erm, you've got the experience I'm looking for. I was wondering if you could possibly, er, pop by tomorrow and that for an interview?

    Daniel: Oh... I'm really sorry, er, Mr. Edwards, but, you know, er, my doctor's told us I cannot come back to work yet.

    Harry Edwards: So you're not actually looking for work, then?

    Daniel: Well, it's hard to explain, you know.

    Harry Edwards: So, well, what's the point of handing in your CV if you're not looking for work?

    Daniel: Well it's the only way I can get me benefits, you know?

    Harry Edwards: Benefits? So you prefer to be on benefits than do a day's graft? You know, I thought you were a genuine bloke. You know, I've spent a lot of time going through them all. I've... I was gonna put some graft your way. You've just wasted my time completely. Why don't you just sod right off!

    [hangs up the phone]

    Daniel: Listen, that's not...