Peter hanging upside down, earth without sky.

Santino 2022-04-22 07:01:33

This is a political dystopian film, but it's not just political. Under the veneer of politics lies the body of religion. Human life can never be separated from theology and politics, because only a full-name judgment without premise can bring unreserved security to human beings, and whether the judgment is true or false is not important at that moment.

The magic of the whole film is nothing more than the hanging Peter at the place where Ma Gao was buried. Therefore, Ma Gao said when his younger brother beat him, "I have rescued you three times. With this metaphor, the relationship between the two is clearly explained, even Ma Gao's relationship. The relationship between the high and the underworld.

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Underground quotes

  • Marko: A war is no war until the brother kills his brother.

  • Marko: We're all crazy, Natalija. We just haven't been diagnosed yet.