When the Rumi carried Ikona of Theotocus in the city to make Litania, they sang Τῇ ὑπερμάχῳ. Sing till ἀναγράφω σοι ἡ Πόλις σου Θεοτόκε, the lunar eclipse, the land of Ikona, Ponceputoproso of Panagia fell in the dust.
Commentary: Τῇ ὑπερμάχῳ was originally an ode to the triumph of Panagia for saving Constantinople from alien siege and attack. In the eyes of the Greeks, even if Pontocratol abandoned them for their sins, the most merciful Kirapanaja would still show his might at the last critical moment, causing Yongcheng and Yelavasilefer to Sa came to the rescue (such as the story of Panagia's Palamitia Ikon at the Watapedi monastery on Mount Athos). However, just like the sun and lunar eclipses in the sky, this time, it was not just the majestic Agiosteaus who was angry with Rumi, not only Agi Dimitri, Georgie, Mercuri, Theodore, Artemi, Mina, etc., these brave warrior saints are helpless, not only Taxi Arhon - Mikhail and his army stand on the sidelines, even Antrobino The last hope of Genos, the most merciful of all the merciful, is finally "willing to be stronger than karma", showing a sign of abandoning "her own benefit". Therefore, Arosh, it is indeed the will of God—not only the will of Allah, but the will of Helistos, and even the will of Iperagia Teotokos—it is God’s will, Ruth The best option for secrets is to accept the destiny.
Detail 2: In the early morning on the day the city fell, Sultan Muhammad led the entire army to make Naimaz under the city. Apart from the initial tekbi heat, there was no other raised hand. When chasing hands, there is neither a high chasing hand (on the chest) nor a non-chasing hand (on both sides of the body).
Commentary: The prophecy of the year (see the beginning of the video) was fulfilled, and it was the Turks who followed the Great Imam Maizhaib, not the Arabs, nor the Persians, who had accomplished such a great feat. And now it is not Saudi Arabia of Wahhabiya, nor Iran of Shia of the Twelve Imams who should succeed Martyr Zhi and become the leader of the Islamic world, but Turkey of Ahri Sonnati Peri Djemati ! (So, this film is not just a slap in the face of the Christian West, but also of the Musulman world.)
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