Nightingale and Skull

Monroe 2022-04-23 07:02:44

Saw this man movie one day. At first, I thought that this was a story about the reunion of a young lover who grew up.

As soon as I saw that they were in love, the internet was cut off. I thought that the following text was a sweet retelling of the past, so I didn't follow it.

Then I saw it at the disc market, and the cover attracted me again.

The lonely boy, standing there.

Not with the warmth I imagined.

I buy it. Rewatch.


I was tricked by Almodovar.

What he gave us was not the end for granted.

This isn't a sweet, healing movie about finding the lost beauty.

I am naive.

Being played by this Spanish man is really playing in the palm of his hand.

The loser is taken by mouth.

Ignacio and Enrique, ignorant childhood love.

Another encounter comes with broken love.

"To Ignacio"

He is the purest flower in the world, or a nightingale, who knows beautiful singing.

The priest trapped him as a caged bird and drove away his love.

Ignacio's annihilation began with his holiness and beauty,

he sold his body for the first time to save the boy he loved,

and the hypocritical man who believed in God tore them

apart, pushed him into the deepest for his own selfish desires mud.

Addicted to drugs, good at lying.

He wrote a long story that seemed to have no end.

About your own past and imagined future.

He gave himself a pair of women's breasts to look like women.

Old age seemed to climb up his face with extraordinary speed.

A divine intimacy made him begin to fall.

The only thing to do is to trade his scarred experience for the freedom he wants.

Ignacio is cute, pitiful and sad,

when he became a yellow flower,

his own younger brother, fell in love with the man who abandoned him, like a beast, looking for prey, with a keen sense of smell.

Perhaps at this time, Ignacio felt that he could really be relieved.

He seemed to finish that story.


what came to an abrupt end was his fragile and perhaps tenacious life.

He died.

Died without dignity.

His head slammed against the typewriter.

He used this typewriter, just finished, to write a letter to Enrique.

Died at the hands of the man who once possessed him but destroyed him, at the hands

of the younger brother who seemed to be pure youth.


Ignacio's story is finally exposed to the sun,

with a tragic end.

He is not the protagonist.


The murderer cut off his head and pretended to be him.

He almost captured the man he missed all his life.

It was the love he wanted to protect all his life.

Why can't even be sad,

Ignacio is a bird whose wings were broken by the hand of desire.

It is a rose flower that blooms prematurely and finally withers.

His remaining sanity is the enduring love and miss for Enrique that seems to be able to extend into eternity.

Fortunately, Enrique remembered him.

He knew that his name was not Angel, and that the man who confused him was not him after all.

Enrique's heart beats for the stories they left behind.

They have always missed each other and wanted to meet again on a bright sunny day.

It's a pity he can't wait for Enrique to take him in his arms, he can't even sleep with him like the protagonist of the tragedy in the play.

He couldn't sing for him.

His singing used to be as pure as the water of the Moon River.

Ignacio, Ignacio.

Too late, too late.

The murderer, smeared with blood, carried his face,

and bloomed with attention in the spicy years of flowers.

Ignacio, the kid

who was supposed to be center stage, died. With an old-fashioned disorganized character and a twisted body.

But he was always a child.

He is simple and beautiful.

He'd been just trying to wait for his Enrique to read their past.

But he couldn't see his face again.

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Bad Education quotes

  • Ignacio: I think I've just lost my faith at this moment, so I no longer believe in God or hell. As I don't believe in hell, I'm not afraid. And without fear I'm capable of anything.