Dad, are you ashamed of me?

Reyes 2022-04-21 09:02:42

There are some sentences that inexplicably make some people cry.
No grand scenes, no gorgeous words.
She said, Why do you have time to be Paul and Christa's father, but no time to be mine? Dad, are you ashamed of me?
Also remembered that Xiao Di was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and talking to himself in Yangtze No. 7 Said, Dad will not ignore me, he will come back after I wake up. I was in tears watching this episode.
Maybe it's because I don't know love yet, so no matter how much love movies are, I'm just scratching my head, and the incitement of family affection is the dependence that springs from the bottom of my heart.

Empathy is the most worthy of tears.
Because they understand, they are compassionate.

Generally speaking, it is a relatively youthful and mainstream film.
There is my favorite Greece~, my favorite type of Greek girl, (I'm jealous of that Greek man~) young and mature little beautiful girl, blond and cheerful big beauty~
. . . . . Sweat myself. . . . .
It's really a girl-based movie. The male characters aren't particularly outstanding, but they're not bad either~ I
like to see them together, sometimes heartless and sometimes taking good care of them.
It's fun to watch haha, because I have girls like this too.

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Extended Reading

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Lena: All my life, everybody has seen me a certain way. What do you see?

  • Carmen: [to Tibby] Why are you giving me this hypocritical lecture? When you're the one who walks around saying screw the world because that's easier than having to feel something!