Racial issues under the homicide package

Obie 2021-12-31 08:01:57

In the Heat of the Night (1967)—The 40th Oscar Best Film

At first, I thought the homicide in the film was quite interesting. After seeing more and more problems, many clues were unclear. . Why did Tibbs suddenly suspect that the driver did not follow the usual route? Why does Tibbs think of criminal motives from abortion? Why did Tibbs tell the culprit to the black woman who had an illegal abortion before he knew the truth? The investigation process feels very confusing. But this is not the point. The film is mainly focused on racial issues. A few clips in the film are particularly exciting:
1. When the white tycoon fan Tibbs, Tibbs did not hesitate to fan it back, but Bill did not make the white tycoon on the sidelines. Satisfactory reaction
2. At Bill's house, he showed his heart to Tibbs, but he was unwilling to be looked down upon by the black man, and yelled over there particularly in irritation.
3. Finally Bill helped Tibbs carry the suitcase and send him to the train.

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In the Heat of the Night quotes

  • Mayor Webb Schubert: Bill... what's made you change your mind about Tibbs?

    Gillespie: Who says I have?

    Mayor Webb Schubert: [referring to Tibbs slapping Endicott] Last Chief we had... he'd have shot Tibbs one second after he slapped Endicott, claim self-defense.

  • Ofcr. Sam Wood: [to Virgil] Take me ten minutes to get a king size Coke and a wedge of pie. That is if that peckerwood ain't sold out yet.