
Damon 2021-12-31 08:01:57

On this hot night, a homicide occurred in a small town in southern Mississippi. The white Colbert who built a factory in this small town to provide people with job opportunities was killed, so the police began an investigation. Seeing a black Vicker on the side of the road, he arrested him and determined that he was the murderer. People in the police station had a bad attitude towards Vickel, and his status as a policeman couldn't change them, and all the white people in the town had an attitude towards him just because he was black.

"Hot Night" is the first black-and-white racial issue film to win an Oscar for best picture. In the 1960s, the issue of "discrimination against black people" became the hottest topic of discussion in society, and "Hot Night" came into being to discuss the issue of black and white races. In the movie, you can clearly see how black Victor in this small town makes white people hate discrimination and avoid them. He does nothing, refuses to appear together, and does not believe that he is capable. . Even if those white people are not much better, they can still abuse Victor with a superior posture.

In fact, the problem of discrimination against black Americans has always existed. This social phenomenon was also reflected and exposed in the "Slumdog Millionaire" more than 40 years later. Even if blacks are smarter, more capable, and more powerful than whites, once Whenever something happens, white people will first think that black people did it, and then identify black people, just because of his race and status. In fact, it is precisely because of this discrimination that whites believe that blacks are stupid, lazy and dirty, and do not believe in their character and ability. Naturally, they will not value them and will not have the opportunity to change their attitudes, so it is determined that they can never stand out. , Doing the work at the bottom of the society.
And Victor in the movie comes from a northern city, where he is the leader of the police homicide team, indicating that he must be capable. In the movie, we can see that precisely because of his sensitivity and acumen to the case, he looked at the whole murder objectively, not subjectively or arbitrary, looking for clues step by step, and finally finding out the truth of the matter. All can see that he is an objective person with ability and strength. And why can be appreciated in the north, but disgusted by everyone in the south. White factory owners will invest in small towns to set up factories to provide more employment opportunities, including colored people. The director does not believe in Vicker, and the wife of the factory owner believe him. All this shows the difference between the north and the south, as well as the difference between a city and a small town. Both ideological progress and education are the reasons for the difference.

In the end, Vicker used his own ability to find out the truth. Even if the director saw a clue on many occasions, he concluded that a person was guilty, and was convicted when he was locked up. Vicker insisted on himself, remained calm and objective, continued to look for clues, and was responsible. The innocence of treating people will not disregard the truth because they are not kind to themselves. He embodies the work attitude and humanistic care that a policeman should have. The chief said that he is the first truly human person who comes here. The most important thing to eliminate racial prejudice and discrimination is also to have a humanistic feeling.

This subtle influence can be seen in the director’s body. From the initial prejudice and discrimination, not believing and not letting go, to slowly believing in Vicker’s abilities, to the director’s home and chatting with each other, but the director still has white people. His pride, he would not let a black man sympathize with him, and then slowly getting along, the case was solved, he sent Victor away, blessed Victor, and the two smiled at each other. I think this shot is also conveyed by the film as long as racial discrimination and personal prejudice are put aside, blacks and whites can get along well and become friends and help partners, and this society will gradually get better.

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In the Heat of the Night quotes

  • Mayor Webb Schubert: Bill... what's made you change your mind about Tibbs?

    Gillespie: Who says I have?

    Mayor Webb Schubert: [referring to Tibbs slapping Endicott] Last Chief we had... he'd have shot Tibbs one second after he slapped Endicott, claim self-defense.

  • Ofcr. Sam Wood: [to Virgil] Take me ten minutes to get a king size Coke and a wedge of pie. That is if that peckerwood ain't sold out yet.