Mumbai Hotels

Annabelle 2022-12-04 02:25:32

An adaptation of a true event is enough to eat a pot. I just want to say I love my country after reading it. Rich people have to measure their temperature when they take a bath, and poor people even want to use clean water. I have always thought that these so-called "beliefs" are just the hope given to the lower class by the upper class. Because the gap between the rich and the poor is too great, they need to be given some hope for life. So that the riots are not too serious (although still serious) is brainwashing in the end. It's sad to see that half of the dead in the incident are hotel employees, how deep-rooted the sense of slavery is to let them forget their own survival instincts, serve others until the moment of death, follow the "customer first" ". And the terrorists inside are also used by the so-called "true gods" of the "upper class" as victims of the struggle for interests. So, is poverty really a sin? I forgot where I saw a sentence saying that the scary thing about Chinese people is that they have no faith. However, I think that having no faith does not mean that there is no knowledge and bottom line. Don't pin your hopes on the so-called "God", and take your destiny into your own hands.

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Extended Reading

Hotel Mumbai quotes

  • Abdullah: [searching the hotel room] Houssam? Houssam, come here! Look at this. Look, they have a machine to flush their shit. Even shitting is fun.

  • Vasili: Fuck your prayers. That's what started this shit.