unfinished mood

Micheal 2022-04-22 07:01:39

I was able to see this good film, thanks to the bit of shit luck when choosing courses in college. Due to time reasons, the film and television appreciation teacher took us to watch it in two parts. That's what happened last week and last week. At this time, I was in a period of love, and the rapid progress brought "after-effects" that resonated with the faint depression, embarrassment and shame in the film, so that when the two stopped and the classmates left the classroom one after another, I was still in the film. Behind the small glass lens, there was a quiet contemplation. Therefore, my evaluation after watching the film for the first time will be mainly based on the feelings I resonate with the film and the thinking triggered by it. Of course, it will be biased, but it does not matter, after all, this is the early stage of growth. The film showed its overall tone from the very beginning, it was dark, slightly dull, and depressing, and while watching it, I heard the teacher say, "This is a film without any romanticism, not even background music, it is not a film that can Let you watch a very comfortable film, but it doesn't affect its good-looking.", I agree, this is probably my basic understanding of it. The general content of the film is to tell a story of a female college student who helped her roommate fall pregnant with a child who was pregnant for three weeks and two days in April and encountered various problems and experienced various embarrassing situations on the way. The most impressive place in the film is the first embarrassing situation encountered by the protagonist in the process of helping his roommate. The roommate lied to her and the doctor and took his situation lightly, so that after the doctor found out, he intensified his conditions, either adding money immediately, or letting the protagonist have sex with him, it was impossible to raise money immediately, give up He couldn't even help his roommate. It is conceivable how much the protagonist was struggling and suffering at this time. However, he still chose to help his roommate. When the two were left in the bedroom, the camera stopped on the roommate's anxious face. After a period of time, the protagonist went to the toilet and used the shower to rinse his lower body vigorously, the bitterness and strength on his face could be seen at a glance. Seeing this, in addition to embarrassment and shame, I have a strong understanding and sympathy for the protagonist. Why not praise? Of course, there is praise, but understanding and sympathy occupy the main place. At this point, there is no room to cry in pain, only to accept the facts, embrace the already mutilated self, and let time slowly bring the unspeakable secrets. Here, I see women's deep forbearance and strength. As the same gender, they have a similar sexual cultural background. Of course, I feel more understanding and sympathy. And this unspeakable sense of shame, these uncomfortable things, I often wonder if I should dig them up and discard them, or should I embrace them and embrace them like other emotions in life. The result is still no answer. Another impressive place is when the protagonist rushes to his boyfriend's house to celebrate his mother's birthday after a terrible experience. The festive atmosphere of a table, chatting and laughing, is in stark contrast to the depression and depression of the protagonist, which is full of embarrassment. Afterwards, the conversation with her boyfriend intensified the anxiety in her heart. Under her boyfriend's questioning, she told him the matter. In a state of anxiety and anxiety, she asked her boyfriend what he would do if her boyfriend was pregnant. At first, her boyfriend had been avoiding and prevarication with "impossible to get pregnant", I despised anger in my heart The love arises spontaneously. Then there was a futile and tiresome quarrel and cold war. When the boyfriend calmed down and calmly reasoned with the protagonist, the protagonist left with her stubborn unbearableness and self-esteem. Of course, when I saw this, the contempt and anger towards the man in my heart had turned into an understanding and absurdity of their respective struggles. Such a scene reminds me of many similar situations, quarrel, incomprehension, indifference, indifference, ego. Especially between lovers, how many feelings have not gone through such indifference and mutual harm. Why is this happening? I asked urgently in my heart, and suddenly I remembered a movie I watched recently - "Perfect Stranger". The four families and four couples each have their own secrets, which are stored on the Internet. With the growing boredom and indifference, the distance and alienation between hearts are urged. Instead of being a recipe for forgiveness and healing, time fosters mistrust and concealment. If people can always think in a good direction, things will always develop in a good direction, but the reality is not always like this. The complexity of life is also reflected in this. People have the right to make choices, but often do not have the awareness of making choices. , let the shame, anxiety and other bad emotions buried in the subconscious lead to do things that backfire. But fortunately, things won't always be this bad. When the four couples in "Perfect Stranger" are in desperate condition, on the opposite balcony, an old man leads his wife to watch the moon together. Long-term relationships are rare but always exist. Except for the unconditional love in blood relationships, most relationships are managed carefully. I think of the saying "Having a long-term relationship, whether it is friendship or love, not only reflects A person's kindness reflects a person's mind." That's it. Emotions arise spontaneously. Then there was a futile and tiresome quarrel and cold war. When the boyfriend calmed down and calmly reasoned with the protagonist, the protagonist left with her stubborn unbearableness and self-esteem. Of course, when I saw this, the contempt and anger towards the man in my heart had turned into an understanding and absurdity of their respective struggles. Such a scene reminds me of many similar situations, quarrel, incomprehension, indifference, indifference, ego. Especially between lovers, how many feelings have not gone through such indifference and mutual harm. Why is this happening? I asked urgently in my heart, and suddenly I remembered a movie I watched recently - "Perfect Stranger". The four families and four couples each have their own secrets, which are stored on the Internet. With the growing boredom and indifference, the distance and alienation between hearts are urged. Instead of being a recipe for forgiveness and healing, time fosters mistrust and concealment. If people can always think in a good direction, things will always develop in a good direction, but the reality is not always like this. The complexity of life is also reflected in this. People have the right to make choices, but often do not have the awareness of making choices. , let the shame, anxiety and other bad emotions buried in the subconscious lead to do things that backfire. But fortunately, things won't always be this bad. When the four couples in "Perfect Stranger" were in desperate condition, on the opposite balcony, an old man led his wife to watch the moon together. Long-term relationships are rare but always exist. Except for the unconditional love in blood relationships, most relationships are managed carefully. I think of the saying "Having a long-term relationship, whether it is friendship or love, not only reflects A person's kindness reflects a person's mind." That's it. Emotions arise spontaneously. Then there was a futile and tiresome quarrel and cold war. When the boyfriend calmed down and calmly reasoned with the protagonist, the protagonist left with her stubborn unbearableness and self-esteem. Of course, when I saw this, the contempt and anger towards the man in my heart had turned into an understanding and absurdity of their respective struggles. Such a scene reminds me of many similar situations, quarrel, incomprehension, indifference, indifference, ego. Especially between lovers, how many feelings have not gone through such indifference and mutual harm. Why is this happening? I asked urgently in my heart, and suddenly I remembered a movie I watched recently - "Perfect Stranger". The four families and four couples each have their own secrets, which are stored on the Internet. With the growing boredom and indifference, the distance and alienation between hearts are urged. Instead of being a recipe for forgiveness and healing, time fosters mistrust and concealment. If people can always think in a good direction, things will always develop in a good direction, but the reality is not always like this. The complexity of life is also reflected in this. People have the right to make choices, but often do not have the awareness of making choices. , let the shame, anxiety and other bad emotions buried in the subconscious lead to do things that backfire. But fortunately, things won't always be this bad. When the four couples in "Perfect Stranger" were in desperate condition, on the opposite balcony, an old man led his wife to watch the moon together. Long-term relationships are rare but always exist. Except for the unconditional love in blood relationships, most relationships are managed carefully. I think of the saying "Having a long-term relationship, whether it is friendship or love, not only reflects A person's kindness reflects a person's mind." That's it. This is also reflected in the complexity of human beings. People have the right to make choices, but they often do not have the awareness to make choices, and let the shame, anxiety and other bad emotions buried in the subconscious lead to do things that are contrary to their wishes. But fortunately, things won't always be this bad. When the four couples in "Perfect Stranger" were in desperate condition, on the opposite balcony, an old man led his wife to watch the moon together. Long-term relationships are rare but always exist. Except for the unconditional love in blood relationships, most relationships are managed carefully. I think of the saying "Having a long-term relationship, whether it is friendship or love, not only reflects A person's kindness reflects a person's mind." That's it. This is also reflected in the complexity of human beings. People have the right to make choices, but they often do not have the awareness to make choices, and let the shame, anxiety and other bad emotions buried in the subconscious lead to do things that are contrary to their wishes. But fortunately, things won't always be this bad. When the four couples in "Perfect Stranger" are in desperate condition, on the opposite balcony, an old man leads his wife to watch the moon together. Long-term relationships are rare but always exist. Except for the unconditional love in blood relationships, most relationships are managed carefully. I think of the saying "Having a long-term relationship, whether it is friendship or love, not only reflects A person's kindness reflects a person's mind." That's it.

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4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Otilia: Why did you make the reservation by phone?

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I thought it'd be like calling from somewhere else.

    Otilia: You "thought".

  • [subtitled version]

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I got rid of it. It's in the bathroom.