person looking up at the sky

Roselyn 2022-04-21 09:02:46

——Comment on "Three Weeks and Two Days in April" Two small goldfish were trapped in a narrow fish tank, struggling in vain, a wisp of smoke drifted from the left, and then one hand picked up the burning ashtray. Smoke, this is the beginning of the film. Just like the title of the film named after the time, this seems to be a very ordinary day. In the morning, two girls are packing their trifles in the bedroom and chatting casually. One of the girls, Otilia, walks out of the door and walks through the corridor. , the narrow aisles and dim lights are not only the place where they live, but also the external environment in which they live and the situation they are about to face - Romanian law in the 1980s banned abortion for women, while another girl, Gabita Unfortunately, she was pregnant with a child. For this reason, her roommate Otilia had to book a hotel for her and secretly search for an abortion doctor. When Otilia left the dormitory and headed to the reserved hotel, the hand-held camera was used, and the scene was shaking, which implied that Otilia was emotionally unstable. The girl can face such a situation without panic. And after she boarded the car, the stabilized footage is presenting us calmly from an objective point of view. In the next film, a series of her actions encountered [obstacles]. First, she quarreled with her boyfriend over whether to go to his mother's birthday party, and the two discussed the topic of how many flowers to give, which is common among couples. The meaningless conversation, Otilia left tiredly and came to the pre-booked hotel, but was told that the reservation was not enough, she had to temporarily go to another hotel, spent more than expected price, and the reservation was unsatisfactory s room. After finding the abortion doctor, we were accused by the roommate for not being there in person. In the process, we clearly realized that this is not only the various obstacles that a girl encounters on an ordinary day, but also the It refers to the various ups and downs that Romanian women encountered in society at that time - they could not even have the control of their own wombs, which is a sad thing for thousands of women in this country. What they didn't expect was that the things they thought could be solved smoothly took another turn. The doctor actually proposed to let them pay with their bodies, otherwise they would turn their faces and leave. Facing the possibility of being in prison, they finally yield. After the incident, the abortion started smoothly, and Otilia had to leave Gabita temporarily because of her promise and went to her boyfriend's house. At this point, we can notice that there is an element that cannot be ignored in the film, cigarettes. It runs through every plot of the movie, starting with the two talking in the bedroom at the beginning, to the moment they sit opposite each other in the dining room. , ended silently with each other, constantly appearing in our field of vision as a symbol, and the rising smoke was like a mask, covering their various tangled, confused, and painful expressions, letting them feel the smell of burning nicotine. able to briefly escape the harsh reality. At the same time, it is a symbol of patriarchal oppression. Otilia's boyfriend said that he could easily get cigarettes that Otilia couldn't buy. During the birthday party of her boyfriend's mother, Otilia took it out of courtesy. Yan, but was criticized by the man on the side, accusing her of being extremely impolite, and the atmosphere was so embarrassing that it was almost suffocating. The faucet has also appeared in the plot several times. The first time was when Otilia was violated by the doctor. Gabita was sitting in the bathroom, almost nervously smoking a cigarette. She was extremely tormented. In the end, she couldn't bear to open the faucet. The sound of the flowing water overwhelmed the sound from outside, and it also gave her room to escape, and it was more intended to express the inner fluctuations of the characters. Soon, Ortilia came in with her lower body naked, without saying a word, she sat in the bathtub, turned on the faucet, and scrubbed her lower body. Then, Gabita walked out-here, the director did not intuitively shoot their violated Instead, it uses the plot after the fact to react sideways. The method is not cliché, but it is even more heavy. After arriving at her boyfriend's house, she turned on the faucet again in the bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror under the sound of running water. The director deliberately highlighted the rhetoric and clamor of the guests during the banquet, which contrasted sharply with Otilia's silence, making her more and more like an outsider, and at this table, she was indeed an outsider, born in In the countryside, she has a clear class gap with people in the city, and her science and engineering studies are also ridiculed. Otilia hid in the room with her boyfriend, and there was a conflict during the conversation. Whether she should be responsible for her life, her boyfriend seemed extremely Tangled, and ultimately choose not to be an irresponsible person. Otilia left sadly because she was worried about Gabita who didn't answer the phone. On her way away, the director used the handheld camera again, wobbly, just as her world was on the verge of collapse. In the end, Otilia returned to the hotel to take the fallen child, went to the top of the building and discarded it. After finishing everything, she went back and sat opposite Gabita at the dining table, silent, only the smoke curled up. Ascension. After watching it, I once thought about what the film wanted to express, but finally I could only sum it up in four words: love, responsibility, oppression, and struggle. The friendship that exists between Gabita and Otilia is always worrying about each other so that they can endure being insulted. Gabita, the child's unknown father and child, her boyfriend and Otilia, have formed a relationship that requires each other to be responsible, Gabita is very unfortunate. She has lost the person who needs to be responsible for her, and she is unable to be responsible for the child. Otilia is more fortunate. Although there is a class gap between her boyfriend and her boyfriend, even though her boyfriend is extremely tangled, he can promise her, Take responsibility for yourself instead of being a coward. With regard to oppression, we can see throughout this article that women are being brutalized at the national and social levels. The law that does not allow abortion is like a ridiculous joke. It really exists in modern society and affects half of the population of this country. Regarding struggle, I believe that in that silent era, more than one woman chose to be like Gabita, willing to pay the price of humiliation, but also to pull back the twisted life trajectory and swear that her womb is free-their resistance was silent, Vulnerable, even forced, but the world needs to resist, in any way and under any circumstances. Because even though we all live in the mud, there are still people who want to look up at the stars. From every hand-held shot, we can see that what is crumbling is not just the dim corridor, the muddy trail in early spring, the garbage dump under the dark night, but more, this absurd world like a water tank, with countless goldfish in it trapped woman.

- Written with 2021/01/30

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4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Otilia: Why did you make the reservation by phone?

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I thought it'd be like calling from somewhere else.

    Otilia: You "thought".

  • [subtitled version]

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I got rid of it. It's in the bathroom.