"Three Weeks and Two Days in April" - Female Complaints

Alysson 2022-04-21 09:02:46

Seeing the title and thinking it's a lighthearted movie, one can't help but think of the famous verse "April is the cruelest season". But on closer inspection, it's not a date, but a period of time. The film is also far less understated than the title.

look and feel

The plot of the whole film is compact, and it revolves around Otilia helping her roommate Gabeta secretly have an abortion, without any delay. The film maintained a sense of tension from the beginning, and continued until the last scene. The viewing process was tense and exciting. I haven't seen a film that can give people this feeling for a long time.

The viewing process of the film will make the audience very worried, and the audience has been worried about the fate of the two girls. The film provoked a strong reaction from the audience, which made us unconsciously put ourselves into the perspective of the two heroines, and sweated over the dangers they faced.


From a feminist perspective, the film accuses young women of all kinds of unfair treatment in this male-dominated society, as well as the restrictions imposed by society on young women, and emphasizes the harm this unfairness causes to women. .


The film shows the values ​​of Romania before the liberation of the Soviet Union in various ways, especially some discrimination against women.

The film shows some typical economic conditions of countries implementing socialism systems (USSR). There is a shortage of supplies here, there are not enough goods on the market, and people can only trade in the black market. Cigarettes and sex became the currency of this society.

The society thinks women are better off getting married when they're in college, and contraceptives are banned (not sure about that, no contraception is mentioned in the film), and abortion is illegal. It is this last point that becomes the central plot of the film.

some thoughts

I didn't realize that illegal abortion can do so much harm to women before watching this video.

Our country has done a good job of equal rights for men and women, and Chairman Mao's contribution in this regard is worthy of respect

Art and politics are inseparable, although many people support the purity of art, but in fact politics is everywhere, it permeates all aspects of our lives, and politics has become one of the important themes of artistic expression.

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Extended Reading

4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Otilia: Why did you make the reservation by phone?

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I thought it'd be like calling from somewhere else.

    Otilia: You "thought".

  • [subtitled version]

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I got rid of it. It's in the bathroom.