It's a look back we all need - I used to be like you

Percival 2022-04-23 07:03:07

I remember the beginning of the book saying that every adult was once a child. So the little prince wrote to you who were once children. The entry point of the film adaptation is very good. From the perspective of modern people's living conditions, perhaps even children have lost the right to be children. They are meticulous. They have learned to live with masks since they were young, and they have learned to adapt to the adult world since childhood. The movie takes us through the reality and the dream in a way of adventure, so you start to play it back one by one, the people in the dream, those forgotten people, the self flying in the dust, just like this gradually with the progress of the movie Reappearing in front of you one by one.

The unique rose

has been taken care of in every possible way at the beginning, and finally escaped. When looking back, the rose has been weathered by the years and turned into a ash, which dissipates in the sky as soon as it is opened. When the glass cover on that rose was taken off and the rose went from bright red to bleak, and then literally blown away like a puff of smoke, I was reminded of the person I first loved. The unique secret that we have missed with our hearts and prayed every day. There are thousands of roses in the world, there are thousands of boys in the world, and at that time, I only missed him every day. So in the habit of years and months, he became an unbreakable desire in my heart, and I tried to verify whether I was so unique in him. However, we are too young to understand that the meaning of this watering itself lies in your dedication. You learn to love. This does not mean that the flowers must bloom just right, and this love must be rewarded. Do you remember someone you loved so earnestly and unrequitedly as a child? Do you still remember the person who once loved you as hard as a child? Whether the feeling of love has been eroded, wiped out, stopped by words, and calculated over time has become what it is today. Is it only when we were young that we dared to love our own roses, and we are not afraid of obstacles and longevity. The rose is transformed into a wonderful background, as it once bloomed, forgotten by growth and recalled here.

Domestication, domestication, we are all foxes who are loved and loved.

Are you also a fox waiting to be loved, or are you expected by others to fall in love with him?
The tie between people is indispensable, the tie brings sweetness, and the tie brings pain. But there is no other kind of bond established as long-term, affectionate, natural and fragrant as when I was young. Just like a word we like, called two small no guesses.
At that time, we couldn't see the money, the benefits, or the future function. We just liked being together. We remembered each other's footsteps. We walked together on the road full of sunshine, looked at the blue bottomless sky, we could also stroll in the rain, and smiled at each other, we would win but there are countless people in the world. Then we grew up, then separated, and then we still said that each other was our own good friends, but those who had forgotten in the years of acquaintance and cherished each other gradually became a matter of contact and peace of mind. Sometimes a person is lonely, drinking a glass of wine, but also wants to contact you. After so long, where should we start? Since the day you stepped into my eyes? Or from our first lunch, first quarrel? Parting for the first time?
There are many, many foxes in our lives, old friends, new acquaintances, or the one who almost became our love. Many important and unimportant people, some domesticate each other, and some love each other deeply. Are the traces of domesticating each other still there? Your familiar handwriting still emerges in my mind, your short hair, your shirt, your smile... The years have separated us, maybe I no longer have any news of you for many years, but the original domestication, let us I know what kind of existence you are. Thank you to those in our lives for whom we left a mark on each other, and when we grow up, we say, it will last forever. It hasn't been destroyed because of our poor repairs. If your heart and mine still remember such a tie, that's enough. When you are lonely, you can look back. All kinds of relationships condense into a force. In your life, there shouldn't be so much emptiness. Those who have been entangled, those beautiful memories, they can be used for you to look back one by one. see. So, please don't forget him in time, those who are drifting away, the beautiful memories we have loved and cherished.

The ideal pilot

In addition to not forgetting the beautiful selves left behind by the passing of time, we also have a real selves, which is the tired, happy, and lost look now...
Are you grown up?
Have you become what you like?
We were taught from childhood that you can't just be yourself, how small and insignificant the individual is in the big social environment, in the long river of history. Unfortunately, on our small planet, I am the only one. Those who buy and sell stars, the mechanical lanterns, the idle kings, the drunkards who escape reality and do not face it, the adult world we see is so colorful and colorful. It may not be what we imagined it to be when we were kids, so we grow up to be a part of it and never see ourselves again. I can't see my arrogant self, my humble self, and my headless, dead self. The self who worked so hard for a living that he forgot who he was, the self who escaped from reality and dared not look forward to it. Yes, growth is accompanied by a kind of injury. Injury can be transformed into an ability to adapt to the environment to help us face more complex situations. The road that others have traveled is better, and those who have been treated with anesthesia can relieve their pain. And then walking, we become others, we become numb people. We forget that the original intention of growing up is to be a better version of ourselves, not to lose ourselves. I will grow up, but I will not grow up to be an adult like you. What about the vows you made when you were young, have you been forgotten in the days of flying faster and faster? Growing up helpless and sad, we swore an oath and quickly forgot about it. Can you think about it again, try harder, grow up, and never grow up.
Before, I didn't understand why adults and children are both human beings, but they can be divided into two kinds of creatures, and they seem to have completely different things in their minds. I stubbornly stayed in the child's world and kept myself from being blackened by the outside world, and then time pushed me forward little by little until I reached the age when I had to face the world. Yes, I want to grow up, people always have to grow up. But I want to keep something, I want to remember that innocence all the time, I hide it in my heart cautiously, and pretend to be an adult to deal with them, and then I always get bruised and bruised. Over time, we learn to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and learn to protect ourselves first. The adult world has adult rules, and perhaps, after we have enough strength to walk in the adult world, we can occasionally look back at our little planet, where there is the original pure and natural self. Someone who has been crushed and polluted himself. At that time, we went to watch the sunset when we were sad, we were sincere and unsuspecting, we were brave in love and brave in bearing.
I don't know where the parting from the little prince began. I haven't watched the little prince for a long time. I occasionally look up at the stars, but forget to look in the direction of the little prince. Forgot to ask, is he okay?
This is a look back, all adults were once children. Childhood prince, does he still live in your body?
Or you just said that sentence: I used to be like you... sad and sad.

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The Little Prince quotes

  • The Little Girl: [reading out loud] Once upon a time there was little prince who lived on a planet that was scarcely bigger than himself.

  • The Little Prince: Hey, come and play with me.

    The Fox: I cannot play with you. I'm not tamed.