
Tyrel 2022-04-22 07:01:40

This movie proves with practice how classic "The Little Prince" is.
The movie is not bad, the plot, paintings, music... are all good movies. It's just a pity that it is the little prince, so it is destined to be more than just a commercial movie.
Yes, it's just a commercial movie in my opinion. There are sensational and gorgeous commercial films, but they lack the true connotation of "The Little Prince".
"The Little Prince" does not tell the story of children and adults, nor does it tell the difference between innocence and sophistication, nor does it inspire people to regain their childhood innocence... It is about possession and abandonment, gathering and parting, How to face the human nature in you and me that cannot be changed or escaped. As the fox said, the most important things are often not what the eyes can see. What can be realized is often not important and true.
This movie is very warm, but very shallow, how important things are innocence and true love, can resist external forces to save the world and save yourself. Ah, what a positive energy. Unfortunately, "The Little Prince" has never been positive.
Other than that, I'm very sorry that the rose is just a superficial rose in this movie. Its pride and willfulness are vividly reflected, but its fear and affection seem to have disappeared. The reason why the little prince left and went back was so scribbled. If I hadn't read the original book, I really don't know why the little prince gave up his life to go back. And the fox...whether the fox should be male or female, but the most important essence of tame is not mentioned. Just don't know what to say.
And the second half of the story turned into a blatant attack on the business world. As if money is the original sin of mankind, it will swallow up dreams and innocence, and turn people into walking dead... Break through it and you will be saved. Such a backward concept of "positive energy" that is suspected of brainwashing is more than a thousand miles away from "The Little Prince". Too superficial!
Hey. For a commercial film, this film is not bad. In "The Little Prince", it's really a pity.

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Extended Reading

The Little Prince quotes

  • The Little Girl: [reading out loud] Once upon a time there was little prince who lived on a planet that was scarcely bigger than himself.

  • The Little Prince: Hey, come and play with me.

    The Fox: I cannot play with you. I'm not tamed.