not a film review

Axel 2022-04-22 07:01:32


Cammerick is
a nice fellow like Kemmerick.

Yeah France must pay
for starting this war Ah, the French certainly deserve to be punished for starting this war.

Every country says it's another country It 's the fault
Everyone says it's somebody else. Well,

do they start a war? Well, one

offends another. How could

two countries be angry with each other
How could one country offend another? Could it be that the mountains in Germany will be mad at the
fields of France? one people offends another. Oh, if that's it, I shouldn't be here at all. Because I'm not angry at all

I don't feel offended.

It has nothing to do with the emotions of a little guy
like you. It don't apply to tramps like you. Well ,

I'll pack up now Just give it a try - you want to be shot - Ah , you just try it. -Yeah. You wanna get shot ? We didn't either of us want any war, so I'm going home. He never Left his door . He's there already. But someone must have wanted it. Maybe it was the English. No, I don't want to shoot any English. to shoot any Englishmen. I didn't even see what an Englishmen looked like before going to war

I never saw one till I came up here. And I suppose most of them never saw a German till they came up here. No I'm pretty sure they didn't want to be with
us No, I'm sure they weren't asked about it. No No. Well... Well... but this war must be good for someone it must be doing somebody some good. Kaiser Not me and the kaiser. I think maybe the Kaiser wanted this war to happen I think maybe the kaiser wanted a war. You don't get us involved You leave us out of this! I don't think I don't see that. Germany Why does the emperor want to fight? The kaiser's got everything he needs. But he never had a war before. Well, he never had a war before. Every adult emperor will want to build a war

Every full-grown emperor needs one war to make him famous. Why , that's history.
And generals too. They need war Yeah, generals too. They need war. And manufacturers. They get rich. I think war is more like an epidemic . I think it's more a kind of fever. Nobody wants to get sick . Nobody wants it in particular... but everybody gets infected and then all at once, there it is. We didn't want to fight The British didn't want to fight We didn't want it. The English didn't want it. And here we are fighting. I tell you What to do... I'll tell you how it should all be done. Whenever there's a big war comin' on... - we should wrap up a big piece of... -then sell tickets

-you should rope off a big field... -And sell tickets.
Yes and then...
Yeah. And...
pick an auspicious day
And on the big day...
Take all the kings and emperors and their cabinets and put them in the centre dressed in their underpants ...
you should take all the kings and their cabinets and their generals... put them in the centre dressed in their underpants... and let 'em fight it out with clubs. Whoever wins will win The best country wins. (2) How are you Paul Paul! How are you, Paul? Glad to see you , Professor. It's so good at the right moment. You've come at the right moment, Baumer! Just at the right moment. And as if to prove all I have said, I'll introduce you to a senior who leads the way

here is one of the first to go.
He used to sit in these chairs and listen to my lectures
A lad who sat before me on these very benches...
he gave up everything just to serve the country in the first year of the war
who gave up all to serve in the first year of the war;
thanks to
one of the iron youth who have made
our motherland stand firm in the battlefield.
Germany invincible in the field.
at him. Look at him. .. sturdy
physique brown skin and shining eyes
sturdy and bronze and clear-eyed.
warriors like him are good role models for all of you
The kind of soldier every one of you should envy.
boy you gotta tell them
Oh, lad, you must speak to them. You must tell them what it means to serve your fatherland.
- No I have nothing to say - don't do that Paul

-No, I can't tell them anything. -You must, Paul. Just a word. Just

tell them
how much
're needed out there.
Why come forward and what does that mean to you
Tell them why you went and what it meant to you.

can't say anything.

can remember some deed of heroism,
any Heroic deeds or noble sentiments
some touch of nobility.
You can also tell everyone
about it.

can't tell you anything you don't know.
On the battlefield we live in trenches We live in the trenches
out there. We fight.
We try to save ourselves but sometimes we die.
We try not to be killed; sometimes we are.
's all.

No no Paul
No. No, Paul. I've been

on the front lines and
I know what it's like I've been there! I know what it's like.

But you shouldn't just talk about that .
That's not what one dwells on, Paul.

I hear you here Praise the old stuff
I heard you in here reciting that same old stuff...
you want to make more iron men, more young national heroes
, making more iron men, more young heroes.
You still think that dying for the country is a
You still think it's beautiful
sweet to die for your country, don't you?
used to think you knew.
We didn't wake up until the first time we were hit by enemy fire
The first bombardment taught us better. It's
and painful to die for your country.
it comes to dying for your country,
I'd rather choose to live
it's better not to die at all!
are millions out there dying for their countries,
so what
and what good is it?


asked me to tell them how much they're needed out there.
tells you, "Go out and die.
Oh, but if you'll pardon me, it's easier to say " Go out and die" than it is to do it.
Coward ! Coward! You scolded it easily And it's easier to say it because you didn't witness the cruelty of war than to watch it happen. No kids, do n't! No! Boys, boys! I'm sorry but I must say. .. I'm sorry, Baumer, but I must say..

It's no use
talking like this.

won't know what I mean.
, it's been a long while since
the day I stepped out of this classroom
we enlisted out of this classroom. So long I thought maybe the whole world had learned by this time.
Only now they're sending babies, they'll never survive Week and they won't last a week! I shouldn't have come on leave. Up at the front you're alive or you're dead, and that 's all! It's so simple, no liesre lost and done for our lives are over

whether we're dead or alive. Three years we
had of it... four years.
Every day and night is so long
every day a year and every night a century. Our bodies are earth and our thoughts are
. Our bodies are earth and our thoughts are clay...
We sleep side by side with death and we
sleep and eat with death.
After the war
We're done for because you can't live that way
We can't go back
and keep anything inside you! I shouldn't have come
back tomorrow
I shouldn't have come on leave. I' ll go back tomorrow.
I have four days off I
've got four days more, but I can't
stay longer I'm sorry Sorry. (3) Are you enjoying your vacation?

Have a good leave?

- part of it is ok - what's going on -
In spots. -What's the matter

? It's all the same. None of us are. We've been in this too long. One boy called me a coward because I told them The young men thought I was a coward because I told them that. ..Serving the country is fake. Only death is real. We learn that death is stronger than duty to one's country. And some old men told me "Come on, go straight to Paris" The old men said, "Go on. Push on to Paris." My father even wanted me to wear my uniform around him. It 's not home back there any more. At least we know What's really going on on the front lines At least we know what it's all about out lies here

There're no lies here.

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Extended Reading
  • Ryleigh 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    Anti-war! I'll tell you how to end the war, and whenever a big war is unavoidable, you delineate a large field. Then choose a good day, and let all the kings and their generals in the cabinet stand in the center of the field in their underwear, and decide the winner with sticks, and the winner will be king. PS: At the end of the movie, Paul is killed by a sniper instead of a stray bullet

  • Celestine 2022-04-23 07:02:32

    That scene in the school speech was an unforgivable failure

All Quiet on the Western Front quotes

  • Ginger - the Cook: [looking at soldiers lined up to eat] What do you want?

    Katczinsky: Beans, you homely-looking son of a frog's leg! What do you think I want?

    Ginger - the Cook: [the men shout that they're hungry] Shut up! I'll feed you when you're all here.

    Tjaden: We're all here now!

    Ginger - the Cook: Only half the company's here. Get the rest! Wake 'em up!

    Katczinsky: [the men laugh] I wish I could wake 'em up. There's 80 of us left. The rest is in dressin' stations or pushin' up daisies!

    Ginger - the Cook: [shocked] 80? And I cooked for 150!

    Westhus: All right, we'll have enough for once. Come on, dish out!

    Tjaden: You mean you've cooked beans for 150?

    [the cook nods]

    Tjaden: And you've got bread for 150 and sausage for 150 and tobacco for 150?

    Ginger - the Cook: Everything. It's all wrong. I should have been notified!

    Katczinsky: What a feast! Everyone gets two issues!

    [the waiting men shout]

    Katczinsky: [trying to keep order in the ranks] Get back in line! Get back in line!

    Ginger - the Cook: Oh, no, that woun't do. I can't give 80 men what's meant for 150.

    Katczinsky: [he starts to punch the cook but thinks better of it and tries to be persuasive] Listen, you drew rations for the Second Company, didn't yuh?

    Ginger - the Cook: Yes.

    Katczinsky: All right, we're the Second Company!

    [the men shout]

    Ginger - the Cook: I got my orders.

    Albert Kropp: [agreeing with Kat] That's right.

    Paul Bäumer: We're the Second Company and if only half of us get back, that's our good luck. Come on, dish it out!

    Ginger - the Cook: [the men shout] No!

    Katczinsky: [grabbing the cook by the throat] You're the yellowest baboon that ever drew a cook wagon, and you're scared, and it shows! All we want to hear out of you is one more little yip, and we'll cut yuh up and eat you raw! Why, you keep your kitchen so far back of the lines, we never get anything to eat until it's cold and we're asleep. Now, you low doen rat, get out, or we wreck the joint, so help me!

    [the men shout]

    Katczinsky: Come on, give us some food!

  • Tjaden: There used to be some food in the sawdust. Now it's all sawdust.