I never stopped fighting

Mustafa 2022-04-19 09:02:11

The war will not end until I die. In peaceful times, we are fortunate to be far from killing, but we are not peaceful. "Our war is a battle of hearts, a war of hearts against the whole world." Watching this 1930 film, I feel even more deeply about Fight Club. War is war. Love is a war. Cette guerre a trop brutale. When the situation becomes extreme, people are more close and real. Whatever the situation is: die anytime in war, frenzy in love anytime, collapse anytime in grief. I can't wait to say I love you the next time I see you because I know I won't see you again. The cruel war made the whole world know the pain, and made everyone alive tremble with the hatred and desire that never ceased. After the bloodiest war in human history, in 1930, more bloodshed was not expected. There was Remarque, a writer who was destined not to be widely accepted, exposed to the sun. I saw the blood of hundreds of millions of people gushing out from the wars of the past, the tears of hundreds of millions of people gushing out from the crazy life, and two huge rivers finally converged into a sea. The calm and vast ocean devoured everything, everything. A peaceful life gives us the opportunity to hide everything and weave a heaven on earth with beautiful words and perfect rhetoric. If I could, I'd like to yell at you, "Beautiful girl! I love you so madly and don't know it!" If I see you again, I'll tell you before you speak, you're so sexy.

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All Quiet on the Western Front quotes

  • Albert Kropp: Ah, the French certainly deserve to be punished for starting this war.

    Detering: Everybody says it's somebody else.

    Tjaden: Well. how do they start a war?

    Albert Kropp: Well, one country offends another.

    Tjaden: How could one country offend another?

    Tjaden: You mean there's a mountain over in Germany gets mad at a field over in France?

    [Everyone laughs]

    Albert Kropp: Well, stupid, one people offends another.

    Tjaden: Oh, well, if that's it, I shouldn't be here at all. I don't feel offended.

    Katczinsky: It don't apply to tramps like you.

    Tjaden: Good. Then I could be goin' home right away.

    Paul Bäumer: Ah, you just try it.

    Katczinsky: Yeah. You wanna get shot?

    Tjaden: The kaiser and me...

    [the others laugh]

    Tjaden: Me and the kaiser felt just alike about this war. We didn't either of us want any war, so I'm going home. He's there already.

    Hair-peak soldier: Somebody must have wanted it. Maybe it was the English. No, I don't want to shoot any Englishman. I never saw one 'til I came up here. And I suppose most of them never saw a German 'til *they* came up here. No, I'm sure *they* weren't asked about it.

    Paul Bäumer: No.

    Detering: Well, it must be doing somebody some good.

    Detering: Not me and the kaiser.

    Hair-peak soldier: I think maybe the kaiser wanted a war.

    Tjaden: You leave us out of this!

    Katczinsky: I don't see that. The kaiser's *got* everything he needs.

    Hair-peak soldier: Well, he never had a war before. Every full-grown emperor needs one war to make him famous. Why, that's history.

    Paul Bäumer: Yeah, generals, too. They need war.

  • Franz Kemmerich: [to Mueller] Why it's an honor to have those boots in your face. They're the best pair in the army.