The difficulty of ambushing the right medicine

Kamryn 2022-04-20 09:01:55

Finally watched this suspenseful movie recommended by many people. Well, even if I have already read all the 100 films, this kind of film is really hard to love or hate. Maybe at that time, the selling point of this film was relatively new.

In fact, the theory of the film is very simple. It is a story of a group of trained "Sherlock Holmes" who are suddenly brain-dead, and then killed by the only person who has eaten the brain-dead film. Movies are indeed far away from reality. As long as it is for the needs of the plot, a character who is so powerful in one second will be destroyed in the next second. The most disgusting thing is the first trap. Nuo is a big room, and a group of well-trained adults are still like high school students. Except for shock, they are shocked. Being abused, the actor is probably very depressed, why is he so disabled? Then, the rest of the film began to be far-fetched, and in the end, in order to save time, it even ended up in a fishing-like way. In fact, the setting of "Trained Sherlock Holmes" is quite good. Imagine how much fun it would be to imagine a group of "Sherlock Holmes" laughing at each other.

Of course, this film may have been really shocking at the time, and the duel between the pit man and the anti pit man was also completely messed up by the protagonist's halo. Regarding the actors, it may be that the facial makeup is too serious, which led to the guessing of the real murderer at the beginning. Later, I hoped that it would not be so simple, but it turned out to be so simple. Personally, I feel that it is better to make the protagonist's personality split more mysterious.

ps, have black people played intelligent villains? Most of them are muscular men with thick lines, and the muscular men in this film are too inflexible and too rigid. The heroine looks a lot like Cylon, and the wheelchair man looks like Chen Handian. . .

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Mindhunters quotes

  • Harris: So tomorrow, I have a senior staff meeting with the director, a Q4 performance review, and an academy course to prep. But now, instead, I get to waste my whole day at your funerals.

  • Bobby: [analyzing Girl at Bar] Good evening, my fine young FBI friends. I am a pretty little thing just out of lit class at GMU. Please note the Jimmy Joyce in my Kate Spade. My parents are loaded as per my expensive ensemble and that "J", where is it, on my key ring, means I'm either a "Jill" or a "Jennifer". Those being the favorite "J" names of beltway parents circa 1981. I like to hang with my girlfriends and have a good time but I'm really just a mature woman looking for a mature man.