Psycho vs Zombies! On the importance of dark circles!

Alexandria 2022-04-19 09:02:11

During the filming of the film,

The setting plays a vital role.

at the 83rd Academy Awards

Tom Hanks Invited to Present for Best Art Direction

He said:

A movie wants to be a classic,

the story must be

Expressed in the form of visual concepts and designs,

And brought to life by art directors and photographers.

"Looking for the Dragon", which was very popular some time ago,

I believe that many people are rushing to the strange underground palace world

And into the cinema.

"Sherlock" 2016 is being shown in theaters,

It shows us the original Victorian style.

And the movie mentioned below,

Not only does the set play a vital role in it,

In a sense, it is the "protagonist" of the movie——

"Dr. Caligari's Cabin"

(hereinafter referred to as "Caligari")

The film is from a first-person perspective.

It tells about the strange experience of Francis.

One day, he and his good friend Alan,

Go to the open air market together.

Dr. Caligari is showing

A zombie named Caesar,

and said he knew all the secrets,

past, future...

Alan asked Caesar:

How long can I live?

Caesar said:

Can't live till tomorrow!

that night,

A shadow entered Alan's bedroom,

Allen was killed.

Francis suspects that the murderer is Caesar,

report to the police,

A suspect was caught,

But Caesar found nothing.

On the night of Ellen's funeral,

Caesar sneaks into Jane's room,

(a girl Francis likes)

ready to kill her,

After being discovered, Jane was kidnapped.

When there is a follower,

Finally left Jane and jumped off the cliff!

Afterwards, Francis said to Jane:

This is simply not possible!

Because the night of the incident,

He has been squatting at his Caligari residence,

Caesar never came out!

things get weirder,

Francis leads the police,

Raided residence in Caligari,

It was finally discovered that Caesar in the coffin turned out to be a dummy.

francis alone

Expand the trail of Caligari,

Found him disappearing in a mental hospital.

Ask a doctor in the hospital for help,

It was actually told that Caligari was the head of the hospital.

Looking through Caligari's case and diary,

Francis discovered a shocking secret:

It turns out that Dr. Caligari is obsessed with

An 11th-century man named Caligari,

Using a sleepwalker named Kaiser,

Make a murder story.

With the help of the police,

Francis and the hospital staff,

Together they subdued Dr. Caligari.

The story is not over yet,

At the end came a shocking reversal!

The original story above,

It's all Francis' personal imagination.

In fact,

He and Jane and Caesar were both in a mental hospital,

Caligari was the director of the hospital.

As can be seen from the above picture,

For the emotional contrast of the film,

The set works well.

in the movie

houses, doors, stairs, trees, streets,

are out of their true colors,

Instead, it is displayed by distortion, inclination, and angle.

And filled with lots of shadows.

Almost every character that appears

All with dark circles,

Let the audience's nerves tired.

Many distorted and exaggerated compositions,

show francis

Weird subjective reality and inner feelings.

Thanks to the three artists of the film,

HermannWarm (responsible for scene construction)

Walter Röhrig (painting)

Walter Reimann (responsible for costume props)

The three read the script overnight after they got the script,

Finally decided on the theme of expressionism.

Such a form of presentation,

Also let Caligari

Become a masterpiece of German expressionist cinema!

Filming began in December 1919

Until January 1920,

All shots are done in the studio.

According to later history,

The reason for shooting in the studio,

On the one hand, due to

Inflation and currency devaluation were severe at that time.

Painting on canvas is also cheaper.

For example, in a play,

A town is drawn in the background,

Two more merry-go-rounds,

It creates a visual sense of the open-air market.

on the other hand,

This way of shooting can also be distinguished from

dominating hollywood movies,

Thus spelling out an unusual path.

At that time, Chaplin's comedy films,

It has achieved great success all over the world.

In fact, when "Caligari" was not released,

The production is convenient to type:

You must become Caligari!

You gotta be Dr. Caligari

slogan for promotion.

The film received rave reviews after its release.

and had a strong response.

When Caesar opened his eyes for the first time,

Many women screamed;

When Caesar kidnapped Jane,

Many girls in the audience were dizzy.

The video is very popular,

So much so that it was shown in theaters for four consecutive weeks,

It was re-run in theaters two weeks after it went offline.

Caligari was also quite successful in the United States.

Some filmmakers in Hollywood even call it:


Invasion of foreign films.

Many people praised the style of the film,

Compare it with Marcel Duchamp's

Comparable to Nude 2 going down the stairs.

Apart from the scenery,

solid script too

The key to Caligari's success.

Hans Janowitz, one of the screenwriters

participated in the First World War,

Hate war.

Another screenwriter, Carl Mayer

Pretending to be a fool to avoid military service,

And the experience of strict military spirit appraisal,

It gave him the subject of his creation.

Two people from a circus show,

Inspired by "Manor Machine?"

The script was written in just over a month.

The dramatic reversal at the end of the script,

It has been talked about by countless descendants.

And about the creation of this part,

Controversy in film history!


In his book "From Caligari to Hitler"

Knowing from the surviving script by Janowitz, one of the screenwriters,

There is no storyline with a dramatic twist at the end.

And from Werner Krauss, who played Dr. Caligari

The preserved script shows that,

This part of the plot is in the script.

true and false stories,

Like Caligari in the story,

Let people come and go!

In fact, many people who have seen this movie,

Will think of Xiao Lizi's "Shutter Island",

It's also a movie about a mentally ill person.

Similarly, the mentally ill do not know that they are mentally ill,

The same outcome was a dramatic reversal.

It is unknown whether there is any reference.

But "Caligari" has a lot to do with later films,

It does have a lot of impact!

It gave birth to the trend of German expressionist cinema,

"Metropolis" by Fritz Lang

Nosferatu by F.W. Murnau,

All are representative works of the genre.

Hollywood horror movies of the twenties and thirties

There are many lessons from it

Dracula by Todd Browning

Frankenstein by James Weir

noir films of the forties and fifties,

also affected by it.

Hitchcock's "Psychopath"

The creation of an atmosphere of terror,

and stylized scene settings

It continued to influence the next series of films.

like the 80s

"Blade Runner" by Redri Scott

the 90s

"Shadow and Fog" by Woody Allen

Tim Burton is considered to be

Successor of German Expressionism.

In Edward Scissorhands,

Edward's prototype is Caesar.

The evil "Penguin" in "Batman Returns",

Its prototype is Dr. Caligari.

Gotham City followed suit.

"Metropolis" by Fritz Lang.

In addition to the movie style being borrowed by later generations,

"Caligari" alludes to many details of the political situation,

It also attracted the attention of many people.

Dr. Caligari in the movie,

The image comes from the German philosopher Schopenhauer.

Schopenhauer "The world is my appearance"

The voluntarist claims of the film are also reflected in the film.

Caligari in Francis' eyes is crazy,

Francis in Caligari's eyes is equally crazy.

Although the end of the film,

reveals to the audience the true face of things,

However, more people

Always skeptical about Caligari.

According to many film historians:

Dr. Caligari

A symbol of Hitler and the rise of the Nazi Party.

(Coincidentally, Hitler was also obsessed with Schopenhauer.)

And the sleepwalker Caesar,

It symbolizes the weak-willed citizens controlled by it.

inaction police,

It symbolizes the rise of domestic reactionary forces,

The government's inaction.

Facing Alan's sudden departure,

The grief shown by Francis,

Just like the mentality of the whole of Germany after the First World War.

Although two screenwriters

claiming to have no such intention when creating,

However, the two have experienced the baptism of war after all,

The cruelty of war has penetrated deep into the subconscious,

Coincidence also has its inevitability.

After filming "Caligari",

Director Robert Wayne presents

"The Hand of Orak" and other works,

However, none of them replicated the brilliance of Caligari.

After the Nazi Party came to power,

Robert Wien left Germany,

Died in France in 1938.

The last unfinished work "Ultimatum"

Also by your own good friends

Directed by Robert Theodmaker.

WeChat: Godard smoking cigarette (filmaddict)

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Extended Reading

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari quotes

  • Francis: Jane, I love you - when will you marry me?

    Jane: We who are of noble blood may not follow the wishes of our hearts.

  • Francis: You all think I'm insane-! it isn't true - it's the director who's insane! - He is Caligari... Caligari... Caligari!