
Kaitlin 2022-04-20 09:01:59

I remembered the birthday I watched a few days ago. It seems to be two different types of films. The former is more humane, while the latter is more tender. But if you think about it, they are also two fathers with many children, and they also hope to be loved. Remember to be valued, the same old people who are eager to enjoy the joy of family, look around us, look around, it turns out that the old people all over the world have the same loneliness and pain. This great unity is heartbreaking, and the pain is so deep, and suddenly, I have a deep understanding of it. . .
When Frank was about to have a heart attack and called home, I cried, and I couldn't stop crying. . . When a person reaches old age, it is a cruel thing for him to leave his wife. . . . But when we face it, we can't do anything, we can only do our best to give the old man everything we can give, only filial piety, and then filial piety. . .
Old Frank said, why can you say anything to your mom, and when I pick up the phone, you just say, what about mom? After hearing this, my heart became naked and clear about my father. I call my family at least once a week, but I have very little time to chat with my father. I have trivial life and even work. I just talk to my mother. If I want to know the situation at home, I also ask my mother. Been doing this all the time.
I think that my father is really a very wronged character. He has an incomparably generous love in his heart, but he has never been able to express it in a suitable way. He has an extremely urgent desire in his heart but has never been known to us. They all carry too many things in their hearts. It's a little scary to think about, maybe in the decades we've been with my father, we haven't really understood him, and we've never really gotten to know him attentively. . .

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Everybody's Fine quotes

  • [first lines]

    Butcher: You Keeping busy?

    Frank Goode: Yeah, I've been busy.

    Butcher: Busy doin' what?

    Frank Goode: Busy in the garden.

    Butcher: [wryly] In the garden, you know what, you're missing work, that's what, I can see that.

    Frank Goode: No I'm not missing work.

    Butcher: Yeah, you miss the buzz and the jokes and the guys, I know that, don't tell me that's not true.

  • Wine Man: Well, we got wines from all over the world. We got, uh, English wines from France, we got Italian wines from all over Europe.