Ryan Evans:
[walks into music room where Kelsi is playing]
Kelsi Nielsen:
Ryan Evans:
[sits down and begins to accompany himself as he sings]
I gotta lot of things I have to do, all these distractions, our future's coming soon. We're being pulled...
Ryan Evans, Kelsi Nielsen:
-a hundred different directions...
Ryan Evans:
But whatever happens...
Ryan Evans, Kelsi Nielsen:
I know I've got you.
Ryan Evans:
It's beautiful.
Kelsi Nielsen:
Ryan Evans:
No, I mean really, this, the prom number, everything... it's, it's going to be a great show.
Ryan Evans:
Speaking of prom, what are you doing?
Kelsi Nielsen:
Well, that's two days before the show. You know, I'm writing orchestrations, fixing charts, I still have to write lyrics...
Ryan Evans:
[cuts her off]
Great. I'll pick you up at eight.
Ryan Evans:
[key change, singing]
You're on my mind, you're in my heart...
Ryan Evans, Kelsi Nielsen:
It doesn't matter where we are.
Ryan Evans:
We'll be alright...
Ryan Evans, Kelsi Nielsen:
Even if we're miles apart!