A little thought after reading "Vertical Limit"

Toney 2022-04-19 09:02:16

I heard about this movie a long time ago and watched it yesterday.

After reading it, I have several feelings, and I always feel that I will have regrets.

Since the hero went to borrow nitroglycerin, hidden dangers have been buried in every subsequent plot, but I always wonder why this hidden danger cannot be dealt with before going up the mountain.

For example, since the friend who flew the plane seemed to understand it well when he went to borrow it, then unnecessary dangers should be solved before departure. If the tank is not sealed, is there any other way to prevent it from leaking, such as This oil can't be exposed to the sun, whether it should be treated before departure, put it in a black shading object to prevent explosion, such as strong impact will explode, whether it should be wrapped on the top and bottom when it is placed on the board , in order to prevent falling, mountaineering itself is a dangerous sport. This is the oil part. Several master mountain climbers died not from accidents while climbing, but from oil interference.

There is also a question. Since a small amount of oil in a can is used at the end of the film, the effect is obvious. Why did you bring four cans in the first place, but this is understandable, just in case, if it is a huge place that needs to be blasted, But no one told him? You should understand that, maybe because you are afraid that this can will be lost in the middle, you should prepare more hands. This is understandable, and we will not worry about it here.

And since you are a mountain climber, you really don't know how to put your bag when you climb to a high place and relax and drink water? Is it true that mountain climbers do not know that avalanches may be triggered behind a strong explosion?

Maybe that's the way the movie is, it's for the effect of the movie, otherwise everything is properly prepared, there won't be so much suspense, and so many tense moments will attract everyone's attention.

By the way, at the end of the story, the bad guys don't always end well. It's just that I didn't expect such an ending. The scene where my father sacrificed himself to save the two of them was restored, but this time it was a big brother character. It was for revenge. The wife of the man fell to the bottom of the snow mountain. This is shocking.

Human nature is always exposed so naked in adventure movies, and there are optimists who are pompous and keep moving forward. Without them, there will be less fun, although sometimes the words are very annoying. You have been so righteous and awe-inspiring from beginning to end, but very low-key. This is American cinema.

The above is purely personal opinion.

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Vertical Limit quotes

  • Skip: How about it Mal? You and Cyril have been up there before.

    Malcolm Bench: No. I mean why would we want to leave this place?

    Cyril Bench: Luxurious accomodation. Fine cuisine.

    Malcolm Bench: Sultry weather. Frostbite's off my dick.

    Cyril Bench: I reckon we should wait until they chuck in a ski lift.

    Malcolm Bench: Good idea. Imagine coming to the Himalayas and actually having to do some climbing. Especially when you have to complete your autobiography.

    Cyril Bench: And rustle up those all important endorsements. You wankers! What's bloody wrong with you?

    Cyril BenchMalcolm Bench: We're in.

  • Cyril Bench: That's a bloody great idea. Smoking next to the nitro. Although, bro and I always hoped that you'd blow us.