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Kamron 2022-04-19 09:02:16
Peter: You're gonna kill him.
Montgomery Wick: My wife died of edema. Stripped the skin from her throat, her lungs filled with water. She drowned in her own bodily fluids. Yeah, I'm gonna kill him.
Peter: I can't let you do it.
Montgomery Wick: Peter, do you know where you are? Above 24,000, you're at the vertical limit, you're already dying. Look at you. You can hardly stand. If you think you can stop me, go ahead.
Annie Garrett: Peter, are you there? Peter?
Peter: Annie? Annie, is that you? Annie. Annie, what is it?
Annie Garrett: Where are you?
Peter: Five hours away.
Annie Garrett: I want you to go back. Don't risk it. There's no reason. I won't be here and neither will Tom.
Peter: How long?
Annie Garrett: An hour. Two at the most. Peter? Peter!
Peter: I'm here Annie.
Annie Garrett: I've been thinking. I've been thinking a lot about Dad. We shouldn't have gotten him a grave. We should have come up here together with his ashes. He said this is where he was the happiest. He was a climber. I think every real climber would want to stay on the mountain. What do you think?
Peter: I think we'll come back some day. The two of us. For Dad.
Annie Garrett: I would've liked that.
Peter: I'm coming to get you Annie.
Annie Garrett: No, don't! Promise me. I don't want you to die. I can't let you do that.
Peter: I don't care!
Annie Garrett: Don't put me through it, you understand? Please? Just, please don't. Please. Good night Peter. I love you.