I heard it's very similar to the night the comet came

Erika 2022-04-20 09:02:05

The first Italian film in the year of consciousness is dedicated to it. Thanks to Uncle Yu for his recommendation. After watching it, my heart is full of emotions, and I don't know where to start.
This morning I listened to a radio program about "Animal Hehe Le". Two male and two female anchors chatted around the topic of animal hehe for two hours, from crustaceans to mammals, but the only thing that impressed me was that , Monogamy does not exist in the mammalian world, elephants, orangutans, etc. often mentioned in literary chicken soup do not exist, and the human world is limited to legal constraints. However, polygamy in the animal world is an instinct for reproduction, because there is no pleasure and passion in animal mating; while human males seek polygamy to maintain multi-line relationships with women, usually for what? This is unknown, perhaps the thrill of breaking through morals often makes people lose their senses.
The film takes place on the night of a total lunar eclipse. Three loving couples and a single man are discussing the divorce of one of their friends over a text message, and they start playing a super scary game - from that moment on , everyone's mobile phone text messages and phone calls should be shared with everyone. The story started from this moment, everyone began to get nervous, every message sound, every phone ringing became a life-threatening spell. A newlywed Yaner, an old and young wife, a middle-aged couple held together by guilt, a couple on the verge of emotional breakdown, a bachelor who has been ridiculed and bullied by his friends, all have a relationship between them. Fragile and lack of trust, when one news one by one gradually breaks people's inner defense line, the war begins.
Remember, don't touch other people's secrets. In this era, mobile phones have become a black box that contains everyone's secrets. It contains all the secrets, maybe too much, just like Pandora's box, beautiful and full of temptation. However, are you ready for the price of opening the secret?
So, at the end, at the end of the total lunar eclipse, the great director Paul Genovese gave another answer from a completely different parallel world. The black box is still safe, life is still moving on its original trajectory, extramarital affairs continue, nasty online games are postponed, tacit lies between friends are not pierced, the daily movement is still insisting, but the box is always full When, when will I betray you? A pair of earrings, a photo, or a missed phone call?
Marriage is like a ring, you will always only have one finger on it, so what kind of vortex will the rest of the nine put you into...

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Perfect Strangers quotes

  • Peppe: I want to be the meaning of my own life.

  • Rocco: Not to turn every argument into a fight for supremacy. I don't believe it's weak to be the one to give in. In fact, I think it's wise. The only couples I see who last are those where one of the two manages to take a step back, but is really a step ahead.