Talk about the understanding of "Ozaki's Eight Challenges" in the play

Andy 2022-04-22 07:01:40

I am a fan of extreme sports, and I was in a severe late stage. When it was released, I watched it twice in the theater. After I had resources on the Internet, I downloaded it and watched it several times in high-definition. There is not much to say about the plot, it is very crap, but it is still quite mouth-watering as a collection of extreme sports, especially when I watched it for the first time in the theater, I was overwhelmed. Some netizens have interpreted Ozaki's eight items, and they are similar to each other. Now I will talk about some details of the eight items that I understand, and exchange and share them. 1) I think eight items can be divided into subjective and objective topics. The so-called subjective questions are the extreme challenges that you can do freely and independently, but only if you have a certain level, you can be recognized. The so-called objective question is to do the specified extreme challenge (specified location). The first of the eight items is a subjective question, and it is a must-answer question. It is a bit similar to a nomination certificate. It can be said to be a key to open the eight challenges. A successful challenge is equivalent to opening the door (for example, to join the super running club, at least has a sports car). 2) As long as the first item is successfully opened, the others can be performed out of order. Utah officially participated in the challenge in Perpetual Motion of the Wind. The premise is because of the success of his first surging force (cross-country motorcycle fixed-point leap). 3) When doing the eight challenges, the location selection and the geographical environment must be magnificent, and the magnificent and steep landscape can meet our protagonist's high profile. 4) If all challenges are unsuccessful, you can find another opportunity to challenge again. It is only for the ultimate pursuit of the heart, a kind of detachment of self, and rebirth of Nirvana. For example, Bodie, the creature of water, has an imminent success, and gave up to save Utah. At the end of the film, he drove the whaler into the huge waves again. Utah, the consolidation of the ice, halfway down the mountain, because of the sacrifice of his teammates, he gave up. At the end, I picked up my snowboard again and stood at the peak of my hometown. 5) The eighth item, the last item, the ultimate trust, is also a challenge after the seventh item is completed. This question, my analysis is also a subjective question (the first and the last echo), because trust is a very subjective consciousness and behavior. It can be like jumping off a cliff on the top of Bodi (diving), or it can be anything else, but other than that, I For the time being, I can't think of any other challenge projects that can be carried out according to local conditions.

After Utah and Bodie met, they did the following challenges 4. life of water (surfing) 5. life of wind (winged flight in the Alps) 6. life of ice (Alps) Mountain downhill skiing) 7. master of six lives (Bolivia free-hand rock climbing) 8. act of ultimate trust (climb jumping on the top of the mountain)

The Bodie team did four things before Utah met. According to the plot prompts, reverse order 3. Awakening earth: Awakening of the earth (parachuting through Yanzi Cave) 2. Birth of sky (parachuting from Mount Everest)

Some people objected and asked, what is the calculation for a high-altitude motorcycle parachute after robbing a jewelry processing factory? According to my understanding, the location does not conform to the natural landscape, and the motorcycle skydiving is only a tool for committing crimes, a means of escape, and is not a challenge project. So the exclusion method, the first item of the Bodie team is 1. The emergence of the emergent force (Congo slalom)

As for Utah, he and his buddies rode motocross bikes for fixed-point leaps, and Utah succeeded, which was his first. (This is the first time I write a film review, so I’m a bit long-winded ha) Ps. My objective conditions allow me to participate in a wide range of extreme sports.

Usually play: mountain bike downhill, snowboard, longboard, experience: paraglider, powered paraglider, bungee jumping, kayaking (still water) Learning: wind tunnel-stance (parachuting) Want to learn: surfing (surfing)

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Point Break quotes

  • Johnny Utah: Your going to steal it

    Bodhi: No were going to give it back

    Bodhi: We must give back more than we take

  • Pappas: I don't think you noticed or not but what went down was a crime