Understanding nature is what each of us should do

Lilyan 2022-04-22 07:01:40

The movie point break tells the story of an extreme sportsman who "lurks" in another group of extreme sportsmen to investigate their "crimes". The former quotes because he is finally assimilated by their spirits, the latter quotes because what they do, on the material level, is crime and destruction, while on the spiritual level, they are giving back to nature, returning to nature, and so on. Deepen your understanding of nature. Bodie's group had already jumped out of the material layer. When the male protagonist asked what the reward was for grabbing a passenger plane, Bodie pointed to a gold mine that had been mined for more than 20 years and had been severely damaged and said, this is the reward. They are "biochemical warriors" whose survival creed is to repay and understand nature.

"See you then, brother", after all, people are passing by, but nature is eternal.

"He firmly believes that ideals can change the world"

Ideal + action, our world will be better.

A movie everyone needs to see.

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Point Break quotes

  • Johnny Utah: Your going to steal it

    Bodhi: No were going to give it back

    Bodhi: We must give back more than we take

  • Pappas: I don't think you noticed or not but what went down was a crime