Just make you eat too much

Tess 2022-04-21 09:02:50

If you are Chinese, you will use a classic saying, called, that is to make you too full. This may be why Tesla can be born abroad, do things well, do it to the extreme, care about the whole world, believe that there is something beyond yourself, this is one of the Western spirits, and this is also the realist Chinese people do not understand Yes, I'm full, I don't think about how to make money, but it's useless. The filming is really good, and why the founder of this eight skills is Japanese There are still huge differences in Japanese culture. Those who say that Japanese culture is plagiarizing Chinese culture can rest for a while. Does China have such a spirit of doing things to the extreme and constantly surpassing itself? It seems that there is no such thing. The Chinese only care about Make money, honor your ancestors, and the rest has nothing to do with me

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