The flaws do not hide the beauty, it is quite wonderful!

Elias 2022-04-20 09:02:01

Let's talk about the movie first, "Extreme Thief", great! The thrills of extreme sports, the great and natural ingenuity, cool cool cool cool, beautiful and beautiful! It is said that the shots in the movie are all real shots, no special effects are added, all the challenges are completed by stunt athletes, and the pictures are quite real.
Many people in the comments complained about the plot of this movie. I admit that its plot is a little bloody, and there are many things that don't make sense, but I think this is no longer important under the excellent visual effects. I think that as long as a movie is excellent in one aspect, others are forgivable. What are you doing too demanding? After all, we go to the theater to enjoy the movie, not to be the judges to select the best movie, as long as it is Just give us a little special experience.
The movie is about extreme sports, and it is good that it was not made into a few mischievous little ruffians. The film has a strong spiritual connotation support. From the perspective of the extreme challenger himself, that kind of choice will not regret it, and resolutely go to the end. ——"This is my way, it has become my way from the moment I walk on it, let me finish it", the kind of reverence for nature, which preaches that nature must be paid and cannot be obtained without bottom line, And how small the beautiful miracles of nature shown in the film are compared to natural people, these will make people reflect on it.
In short, the visual effects of the film are absolutely great, and the pictures are absolutely lifelike and exquisite, and it is worth going to the cinema for such a good picture.
Off topic, this time I watched the movie in the panoramic sound giant screen of the movie theater, wow, it is amazing, such a movie is worthy of such a movie theater, unlike some movies, the visual effects are obviously not very good, I don’t know why. What has to be made into 3D IMAX.

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Point Break quotes

  • Johnny Utah: Your going to steal it

    Bodhi: No were going to give it back

    Bodhi: We must give back more than we take

  • Pappas: I don't think you noticed or not but what went down was a crime