"The Autobiography of an FBI Agent"

Edwin 2022-04-19 09:02:25

When I was an FBI agent who was still on probation,
when I was investigating a case, because of my previous experience in extreme sports, I easily discovered other people's blind spots:
there were people in the vicinity of the three shocking heists. Playing extreme sports,
although I don't know how extreme sports are related to crime, and there is no evidence that this group of extreme sports enthusiasts are criminals, I don't even know if the same group of people are doing extreme sports at the three locations,
but in the spirit of The new-born calf is not afraid of the spirit of tigers, so I forced my way into the director's office and explained to him this set of inferences that I didn't quite believe in myself.
However, the boss probably wanted to cheat me. All the bigwigs listen! !
Chief, you are so cruel! I know you want to fire me! But you actually use such a rude means! !
Sure enough, my inferences with poor logic and no evidence were quickly criticized by major leaders, so I can only say "motivation, purpose, method, evidence, all need to be further investigated"
as witty as me! Sure enough, the bosses did not fire me without seeing my sincerity.
Who would have thought that the director would still not let me go, and force me to go to a place without any evidence to find a group of criminals without any clues.
I had no choice but to bite the bullet. When I got to the surfing spot, the old man who was my temporary boss told me to go surfing, and then a driver I didn't know pulled me and forced me to grab the biggest wave of the century. Not a lot of surfing experience! !
It turns out that Director, not only did you want to fire me, but you also wanted to kill me! !
Thanks to a good brother who came to the rescue, I escaped, and I took the opportunity to sneak into the enemy's yacht, where I had one night to get evidence to save my career
and then I fought with a girl After a shot, he fell asleep. . . . . .
FUCK! Why didn't anyone wake me up! No Morning Call on the yacht! ?
So the old driver was going to send me to my headquarters to wait for the decision. As a last desperate struggle, I forcibly persuaded the old driver to send me to a place name I overheard on the boat,
so the old driver gave me another night to ask me Get the evidence back and save my career
I dived in for 5 minutes and got hanged and threw it out. . . . . .
FUCK! What about the world number one in FBI fighting skills? Instructor, you lied to me! I can't beat a single gangster! !
However, I couldn't go back without the evidence, so I could only stay in front of people's houses and play with lighters.
Who knew that the good brother who saved my life actually invited me to join the team at this time!
Although I don’t know if I found the right person, in short, I don’t have to worry about being fired for the time being, so I asked Lao Jingji for two weeks of public funds, and happily followed my brothers to play,
completely forgetting the task. Later, after eating and drinking with public funds for two weeks and soaking in a girl (during the period, I killed a teammate, I am sorry), the old driver finally showed his ultimate move: he actually secretly filmed me and my girl having sex! !
It’s over, I’m going to lose my job this time, and I can’t wash myself after jumping off Mount Everest.
Who would have thought that the good brothers would come to the rescue again at a critical moment: they’re going to pull me together and commit a crime!
Although there is a bit of revenge, but in line with the principle of giving priority to jobs, I think I still have to arrest these brothers.
I didn't try to stop them before they committed crimes, and
I didn't try to grab the steering wheel in the passenger seat, and
wait until the last me Just grabbed a gun and aimed it at my good brother, and reported the line I wanted to say for a long time,
"I'm the FBI, raise your hand!"
At this moment, I must be so handsome that the whole world will be jealous The trembling, I'm infernal, playing like 6666, my brother must be frightened by me, I can see from the expression on his hurriedly pressing the detonation button,
but my good brother actually said that he saw through me from the very beginning. Acting?
Is he doing this to help me keep my job?
"I hope I can save you~"
Oh, my god, it turns out that there is true love in this world!
However, the evil chief and the old driver were chasing after him. The damn chief flew directly to the scene to question me, and the old driver who claimed to be the British branch shamelessly chased the other side of the world to attack me. I
didn’t expect the critical moment. Good brothers help again! They actually took everyone's attention away from me by robbing a bank! !
Relying on this shootout provided by my brothers, I finally proved my ability to the old driver and the chief: I killed two brothers (including the girl who had shot me a few times) with the lives of almost a dozen local policemen. )
Although I asked my good brother to steal the money, and because I threw the gun away, I could only watch him escape across a railroad track.
At this point, my good brother has no capital or manpower to commit crimes. Even if he completes the challenge, he won't bring any loss to the United States, and if he wants to run out and continue to complete the remaining challenges, we just need to put the net to catch him at that time, so I think this movie It can end here.
But my good brother sacrificed so much in order to keep my job, how can I not reciprocate?
So I happily climbed the rock for the last time with my good brother. During the period, a buddy who was
over his own strength insisted on climbing with us and played himself to death. After climbing the rock, I deliberately let go without a gun. My good brother, because of my meritorious deeds in exterminating my relatives, I also successfully deceived the official employee card from the old driver, happy ending.
Who would have thought that the good brother who couldn't think of it would end up committing suicide for the sake of xxx's metaphysics. I quickly requisitioned a helicopter to stop him. . . . . .
It's really a sad story. . . . . .

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Point Break quotes

  • Johnny Utah: Your going to steal it

    Bodhi: No were going to give it back

    Bodhi: We must give back more than we take

  • Pappas: I don't think you noticed or not but what went down was a crime