This is a chicken soup

Dorian 2022-04-19 09:02:25

The plot of this movie itself is not worth talking about, the biggest selling point is all kinds of extreme sports. The film captures the texture of the first-person perspective, just like experiencing it in person, and there are many physiological reactions such as dizziness and nausea. After watching the movie, I felt very tired. When I walked out of the mall, I felt better after being blown by the wind.
A core assumption of this movie is Ozaki's eight extreme challenges. If you complete these eight extreme challenges, you can Nirvana. I am very interested in this logic. In extreme challenges, one needs to face dangers that are always and everywhere, fight against death, and generate a sense of near-death. Many extreme athletes enjoy the intense stimulation of wandering on the edge of life and death. In the process, the brain must release a lot of dopamine to compensate. The villain No. 1 in the movie (I think he is the male No. 1) is named Body, which means body. This name is very interesting. On the edge of life and death, he relies on the control and experience of the body to talk to the god of death. Body says that you can only complete the challenge in no-self if you completely forget yourself. Forget yourself, and you're left with the absolute spirit.
I am very interested in this sense of near-death. I have participated in bungee jumping myself. This is in a protected state. It is completely incomparable to the extreme challenges in the movie. To the panic of death, it is too late to describe and judge rationally. The experience left me with such a deep feeling that once there is weightlessness, it can evoke a very intense physical experience.
In the movie, I sense a strong desire for extreme challengers to take on the difficult, presumably stemming from their strong urge to feel stimuli, which is even a bit like an addiction. Having experienced the edge of death, they often have a strong creativity, they do not have so much hesitation, they are not afraid of difficulties, dare to challenge the impossible, and strive to do things well and pursue the best results. The most innovative people tend to have this trait of extreme athletes, who tend to take risks and challenges, and do things that at first seem impossible.

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Point Break quotes

  • Johnny Utah: Your going to steal it

    Bodhi: No were going to give it back

    Bodhi: We must give back more than we take

  • Pappas: I don't think you noticed or not but what went down was a crime