The earth doesn't need you to worry

Peggie 2022-04-19 09:02:25

Extreme sports literacy movie plus scenic publicity blockbuster. The FBI's political correctness forcibly plugged in is a bit contradictory.

Poddy's mistake was not that he took his friends to fulfill his own wishes and let others lose their lives with him, but that his original idea was wrong, the earth is not a problem at all, all the problems that humans talk about are understood from a human point of view, the earth It has existed for 5 billion years, and will continue to exist for 5 billion years, until it explodes and collapses and disappears. It doesn't matter whether the earth's environment is good or not, whether there are humans or not. Wishful thinking to go all out for a reason that other people don’t care about and forget the respect that life should have for another life. Life is beautiful and important to individuals. The so-called protection of the earth is also from a human perspective. .

Also: Is there really such a great all-around extreme athlete? Surfing, skydiving, wingsuit flying, skiing, motorcycles, rock climbing. . I feel that no matter which item, it takes a lifetime of energy to learn and exercise. The characters in the film are so young and proficient in everything! Well, this is the movie. .

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Point Break quotes

  • Johnny Utah: Your going to steal it

    Bodhi: No were going to give it back

    Bodhi: We must give back more than we take

  • Pappas: I don't think you noticed or not but what went down was a crime